No |
The name of the scientific work |
Print or manuscript |
Journal, volume (year, number, pages), publication or authorship number |
Number of printed plates or pages |
Surnames of co-authors |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
Development of forecasting algorithms based on sequential dynamic filtering procedures |
"Izvestia Vuzov", series Technical sciences No. 1, 1999 - p. 146h150. |
5 |
Kasimov S.S., Rasuleva M.A. |
2 |
Study of electrophysical properties of bulk materials |
"Science, medicine and technology", No. 3, 1999 - p. 43-45. |
3 |
– |
3 |
Experimental setup for the study of electrophysical properties of bulk materials |
"Izvestia" Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 2, 1999 - p. 27-29. |
3 |
– |
4 |
Moisture measurement of bread and bakery products |
Abstracts of reports of the scientific conference of Al-Khorazmi Urganch State University dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the victory over fascism, Urdanch, Urganch, 1995. - p. 125-127 |
2 |
5 |
Analysis of technical support of control and management of technological processes of food production |
Collection of scientific works of doctoral students, graduate students, candidates and scientific staff "Research of scientific and technical achievements of the higher school", TashGTU, Tashkent, 1996. - p. 100-104. |
4 |
6 |
Automatic device for measuring dielectric permittivity of electrically conductive substances |
Collection of scientific works of doctoral students, graduate students, candidates and scientific staff "Research of scientific and technical achievements of the higher school", TashGTU, Tashkent, 1996.- p. 106-110. |
4 |
7 |
Informational support of the process of baking dough by the combined IR-microwave-IR-energy pod |
Collection of scientific works of NTC "Problems of informatics and management, perspectives of their solutions", Tashkent, 1996. - p. 56-59. |
3 |
8 |
Justification of the parameters of the microwave field when baking dough for bread |
Collection of scientific works of doctoral students, graduate students, candidates and scientific staff "Research of scientific and technical achievements of the higher school", TashGTU, Tashkent, 1997.- p. 12-14. |
2 |
9 |
Grain bulk mass is an object of automatic control
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and fundamental sciences", volume 3, TashGTU, Tashkent 1998.- p.7-12. |
5 |
10 |
Algorithms of control of technological processes of industrial production |
Collection of scientific reports of the second International NT and PC "Problems and prospects of automation of production and management" ("Automation-99"), Tashkent, 1999.- p.38-43. |
6 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
11 |
Influence of various factors on dielectric characteristics of wet material |
"Scientific-practical conference of university professors" devoted to the 350th anniversary of the city of Urganch, Urdansk State University, Urganch, 1999.- p.36-37. |
2 |
Kalandarov P.I. |
12 |
Error analysis of microwave moisture meters for APC materials. |
Deposited in GFNTI RUz № 1881-1993 – 4 p |
4 |
. Kalandarov P.I., Sabirova R.E., Zhumaniyazova M., |
13 |
Methods of selecting sensors for determining the humidity of bread products |
"Scientific-practical conference of university professors" devoted to the 350th anniversary of the city of Urganch, Urdansk State University, Urganch, 1999. - p.35-36. |
2 |
14 |
Requirements for moisture meters of oil and fat products |
Deposited in GFNTI RUz, No. 1880 – 1993 – 5p. |
5 |
Kalandarov P.I., Zhumaniyazova M., |
15 |
Analysis of the thermogravimetric method of humidity measurement in APC systems |
Deposited in GFNTI RUz, No. 1880 – 1993 – p.194. |
Kalandarov P.I., Bazarov M., Jumaniyazova M. |
16 |
Capacitive hygrometric system of product APC |
Deposited in GFNTI RUz, No. 1962 - 1993 - p.10. |
10 |
Kalandarov P.I., Sabirova R.Z., Khozhiev K |
17 |
Calculation of capacitive sensors for measuring moisture content of bulk materials with variable thickness |
Collection of scientific reports of the second International NT and PC "Problems and prospects of automation of production and management (Automation-99)", Tashkent 1999 - p.16-20. |
4 |
18 |
Methodology for calculating the capacitance of a one-way humidity sensor. |
VIII International NTC "Information technology: science, technology, technology, education, health" "MicroCAD-2000" - Kharkiv, 2000. - p.19-22. |
3 |
19 |
Thermovacuum hygrometer for measuring the humidity of bulk materials |
Inter-university collection of scientific works, "Actual issues in the field of technical fundamental sciences", volume 1., TashGTU, Tashkent, 2000. - p.97-99. |
2 |
Scientific works published after the thesis defense |
20 |
The problem of restoration of input signals of non-ideal measuring transducers |
"Newsletter". Nukus, 2002. - pp. 48-49. |
2 |
Sagatov M.V. |
21 |
Optimization of the computer network structure using the saturated cross-section algorithm and its comparison with the Lagrange relaxation algorithm of signals of non-ideal devices |
"Newspaper", Nukus, 2002. - p. 64-65. |
2 |
Karimov M.M. |
22 |
Study of the drying process of fruit crops on roller dryers |
"Chemistry and chemical technology", No. 2, 2003. - p. 67-70. |
4 |
Juraev H.F., Abdullaev A.Sh |
23 |
Algorithms of automatic control of technological processes and productions |
"Standard", No. 3, 2003. - p. 53-54. |
2 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Adylov F.T. Mirbabaev F.A. |
24 |
Mathematical modeling of grain drying process in grain dryers |
"Vestnik" Tash GTU, No. 4, 2003. - p. 46-50. |
5 |
– |
25 |
Study of frequency-moisture characteristics of loose materials |
"Chemistry and chemical technology", No. 1-2, 2004. - p. 74-76. |
3 |
– |
26 |
Study of models of measuring information subsystem of ASUTP drying grain |
"Vestnik" TashGTU No. 1, 2004. - pp. 68-73. |
6 |
– |
27 |
Adaptive control of a spray dryer |
"Vestnik" TashGTU No. 2, 2004. - pp. 26-31. |
6 |
– |
28 |
Application of methods of the theory of dielectrics to determination of parameters of bulk materials |
"Technical stars", No. 1, 2004. - p. 43-45. |
3 |
Ishchanov J.R. |
29 |
Intellectualization of technological control and management of technological processes and production |
"Technical Stars", No. 2, 2004. - p. 52-54. |
3 |
Ishchanov J.R. |
30 |
Algorithm of technological process control of grain drying |
"Technical stars", No. 3, 2004. - p. 32-34. |
3 |
– |
31 |
System for controlling the granulometric composition of bulk materials at the outlet of the granulation dryer |
"Technical Stars", No. 4, 2004. - pp. 23-25. |
3 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
32 |
Selection of the main parameters of the measuring information subsystem of the ASUTP dry grain |
"Textile problem", No. 3, Tashkent, 2005. - p. 93-96. |
4 |
Gafurova D.A |
33 |
Conceptual and theoretical bases of technological processes of processing of regional and local varieties of grain in flour mill production |
"Chemical technology. Control and management", No. 3, 2005. - p. 39-43. |
5 |
Tursunkhuzhaev P.M. |
34 |
Synthesis of optimal control laws of a bilinear adaptive regulator |
"Informatics and energy problems", No. 3, Tashkent, 2005. - pp. 3-8. |
6 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
35 |
Adaptive control of a spray dryer |
"Vestnik TashGTU", No. 2, 2005. - p. 41-45. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
36 |
Development of an automated control system for the technological process of grain drying |
"Chemistry and chemical technology", No. 2, 2006. - p. 72-75. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R. |
37 |
Measuring information subsystem ASUTP drying of dispersed materials |
"Composite Materials", No. 1, Tashkent-2006. - p. 65-66. |
2 |
Yakubov S.I. |
38 |
Mathematical modeling and experimental study of the drying process of dispersed materials with high internal diffusion resistance |
"Chemistry and chemical technology", №4, 2007. - p. 61-65. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R, Maksudova Sh.A. |
39 |
Automated control of the grain receiving process at a flour mill |
"Industrial ASU and controllers", No. 4, Moscow, 2008. - p. 4-7.. |
4 |
Gulyamov Sh.M., Igamberdiev Kh.Z., Niyazov Z.K. |
40 |
Adaptive system of automatic control of the process of extraction of optical fiber |
"Industrial ASU and controllers", No. 6, Moscow, 2008. – s. 13-16. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R. Gulyamov Sh.M. Rashidov Yu.R. |
41 |
Stabilization of technological properties of grain by means of mixing different batches of grain mixed in quality |
"Chemical technology. Control and management", No. 6, 2008. - p. 58-63. |
6 |
Sharipov M.S., Gafurova D.A. |
42 |
Adaptive control of a spray dryer |
"Modern information technologies" AN RUz, Preprint, Tashkent, 2005.- c.40. |
40 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
43 |
Adaptive control of bilinear dynamic objects on the example of a spray drying plant |
"Modern information technologies" AN RUz, Preprint, Tashkent, 2006.- c.53. |
53 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
44 |
Adaptive algorithm of control of bilinear dynamic objects |
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Preprint, Tashkent, 2008.- c.44. |
44 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Saparov B.T. |
45 |
Dry granular materials in industrial units and installations |
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Preprint, Tashkent, 2010.- c.72. |
72 |
Kalandarov P.I. Maksudova Sh.A.
46 |
Methods of identifying images in management decision-making |
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Preprint, Tashkent, 2010.- c.72.
68 |
Muhamedkhanov U.T., Doshanova M. Yu., Rakhmonberdieva G.T. |
47 |
Interaction of means of intellectual support in systems of automated control and management |
Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference "Mathematical Methods in Technology and Technologies" (MMTT-2000), volume 6, St. Petersburg, 2000. - p.189-191. |
3 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Mukhamedkhanov U.T., Yeshmatova B.I. |
48 |
Increasing the reliability of measurement data and moisture-dispersive materials |
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", volume 1, Tashkent, 2001. - p.119-122. |
4 |
– |
49 |
Study of frequency characteristics of porous materials |
Inter-university collection of scientific papers "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", issue 1, Tashkent, 2001. - p.123-128. |
6 |
– |
50 |
Formalization of the functioning of the raw material economy of the flour mill enterprise as a mass service system |
"Sources of Science", No. 3, 2001. - p. 64-69. |
6 |
Niyazov Z.K. |
51 |
Methodology of automated verification of means of measurement of humidity of loose materials |
"Sources of Science", No. 4, 2001. - p. 80-82. |
3 |
– |
52 |
Automated experimental installation for studying the processes of pneumatic transportation, drying and cleaning of cotton seeds |
Collected works of NTC "Advanced technologies in the food industry", ТХТИ, Tashkent, 2002. - p.92-95. |
4 |
Gulyamov Sh.M., Shakhmardanova G.S., Umarova G.M. |
53 |
Analysis of interaction of information flows in complex technological systems |
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences", vol. 2, Tashkent, 2003. - p. 11-13. |
3 |
Muhamedkhanov U.T., Adylov F.T. |
54 |
To formalize the technological process of grain drying as an object of automatic control |
Inter-university collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences", volume 2, Tashkent, 2003. - p.65-67. |
3 |
– |
55 |
Increasing the accuracy of the characteristic control system of electrophysical parameters of grain products |
Materials of the 11th International Conference on Automatic Control "Automatics - 2004", volume 2, Kyiv, 2004. - p.42. |
1 |
– |
56 |
Increasing the reliability of measurement data and moisture-dispersive materials |
Materials of the 11th International Conference on Automatic Control "Automatics - 2004", volume 2, Kyiv, 2004. -p.43. |
1 |
– |
57 |
Some principles of building layered information-measuring systems of ensuring the quality of industrial products |
Collection of reports of the international NC "Information communication and computing technologies in science, technology and education", Tashkent, 2004. - p.136-138. |
3 |
Mukhamedkhanov UT, Kimizbaeva OE, Eshmatova BI |
58 |
Application of neurocomputing technology to approximation of multivariate functions |
Third World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2004. - pp. 41-45. |
3 |
Zaynutdinova MB, Kimizbaeva O.E. |
59 |
Moisture meter for bulk materials |
Inter-university collection of scientific papers "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", volume 1, Tashkent, 2004. - p.34-36. |
3 |
– |
60 |
Identification of mathematical models of grain dryers |
Collection of scientific works "75 years of the department "Theoretical foundations of heat engineering", TashGTU, Tashkent, 2004. - pp. 69-72. |
4 |
Zohidov A.A. |
61 |
Identifiers are quality metrics |
Material of the international NPC "Infotextil-2005", Tashkent, - p. 232-233. |
2 |
Gafurova D.A. |
62 |
Neutron method of measurement of humidity of ceramic masses |
"The role and importance of telecommunications and information technologies in modern society", volume 2, TUIT, Tashkent, 2005. - p. 37-38. |
2 |
Akramov E.M., Shovaliev B.B. |
63 |
Modeling of measurement information subsystem of ASUTP drying grain |
"The role and importance of telecommunications and information technologies in modern society", volume 2, TUIT, Tashkent, 2005. - p. 73-77. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M. |
64 |
Development of microwave-vlagomer spray materials |
"Science, education and development in the field of information communication technologies and their integration" Republican scientific and technical conference, TUIT, Tashkent, 2005. - p. 250-252. |
3 |
65 |
Prediction of cotton seed moisture |
Working conference "Monitoring of aircraft-2005", part 1, Tashkent, 2005. - p. 250-254. |
5 |
Gulyamova N.U. |
66 |
Development of capacitive moisture meters of bulk materials |
International NTC "State and prospects of development of communication and information technologies in Uzbekistan", TUIT, Tashkent, 2005.- p. 76-79. |
4 |
– |
67 |
The basis of intellectualization of technologies of automated quality control of technological environments |
Materials of the Republican NC "Contemporary problems of mathematical modeling", volume #2, Nukus, 2005. - p.33-34. |
2 |
Mukhamedkhanov U.T. |
68 |
Measuring information subsystem ASUTP drying materials |
Materials of the Republican NC "Contemporary problems of mathematical modeling", volume #2, Nukus, 2005. - p.31-32. |
2 |
– |
69 |
Fourth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2006. – PP.284-286. |
3 |
Mukhamedkhanov UT, Radjabova MA, Shakhmardanova GS |
70 |
Intelligent systems on estimation reliability of information |
Fourth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2006. – PP.193-196. |
4 |
Ravilov Sh.M. Sharipov MS, Khilalova S.Sh. |
71 |
Problem approximation of equilibrium curves of moisture-containing materials |
Materials of the Republican NTC "Information and communication technologies in science and education", volume III, TUIT, 2006. - p. 153-157. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Yakubov A.H.
72 |
Reliable assessment of equilibrium dependences on samples of experimentally obtained data |
Materials of the Republican NTC "Information and communication technologies in science and education", volume III, TUIT, 2006. - p. 150-153. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Yakubov A.H. |
73 |
Functional diagnostics of the continuous technological process of drying |
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", volume 1, Tashkent, 2006. - p.88-89. |
2 |
– |
74 |
A method of optimizing the mixing of bulk materials in continuous drum mixers |
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences", volume 1, Tashkent, 2006. - p.99-100. |
2 |
– |
75 |
A generalized algorithm for controlling the grain drying process |
Collection of theses of the Republican NTC "The role of women in education, upbringing and scientific and technical progress", TGTU, Tashkent, 2006.- p. 148-150. |
3 |
– |
76 |
A modified method of restoring the reliability of primary measurement information |
International conference "Innovation 2007", Technical Technical University, Tashkent, 2006.- p. 323-325. |
3 |
Ravilov Sh.M., Yeshmatova B.I. |
77 |
Integrated system of control and management and means of intellectual support of management decisions |
Joint issue of the journal "Problems of Informatics and Energy" and collections of scientific works "Cybernetics Issues", "Computational and Applied Mathematics Issues" based on the materials of the republican scientific conference "Contemporary state and path of development of information technologies", Tashkent, 2006. - p. 219-220 . |
2 |
Mukhamedkhanov U.T., Radjabova M.A. |
78 |
Measuring information subsystem ASUTP drying of dispersed materials |
Proceedings of the International scientific and technical conference "High technologies and prospects of integration of education, science and production", volume #1, Tashkent, 2006. - p. 120-123. |
3 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M. |
79 |
Development of a methodology for experimental research of electrophysical characteristics of solid bulk materials |
Abstracts of reports of the International Conference on Chemical Technology "Chemical Technology - 2007", Moscow, 2007. - pp. 341-344. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Maksudova Sh.A. |
80 |
Mathematical modeling of drying kinetics of cotton wool |
Collection of works of the republican NTC "Modern technologies of processing of local raw materials and products", ТХТИ, Tashkent, 2007.- p. 388-392. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Sh. Nuritdinov, Yakubov A.H. |
81 |
Materials of the Republican NTC "Istiqlol" (with international participation), "Geotechnology: innovative methods of subsoil use in the XXI century", Moscow-Navoi, September 25-27, 2007. -p.38-39. |
2 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
82 |
Experimental setup for studying the hydrodynamics of the solid phase in the annular layer of the drying chamber |
International conference "Innovation 2007", Technical Technical University, Tashkent, 2007.- p. 121-12. |
2 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
83 |
Informational support system of control of technological processes of drying grains |
Material of the Republican NPK "The role of scientists in science and technology", TSTU, Tashkent, 2007.- p. 13-14. |
2 |
– |
84 |
Development of new technologies of storage and processing in grain production |
Vestnik TashGTU 4/2017 |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev S.A., Zhabborov H.Sh., Shaizaiov B |
85 |
The synthesis is evaluated based on the concept of dynamic Kalman filtering |
Materials of the International Conference of the IX International Forum "High Technologies of the XXI Century" "Integration of Education, Science and Production", Moscow, 2008. - p. 72-75. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Mukhamedkhanov U.T. |
86 |
Improving the accuracy of spectral type colorimeters in cottonseed oil quality control tasks |
Materials of the International Conference of the IX International Forum "High Technologies of the XXI Century" "Integration of Education, Science and Production", Moscow, 2008. - p. 41-44. |
4 |
Mukhamedkhanov U.T., Sharipov M.S. |
87 |
Study of the hydrometric information-measuring subsystem of the grain in the stream |
Republican interuniversity collection "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", ТХТИ, Tashkent, 2008. - pp. 78-83. |
6 |
Maksudova Sh.A. Norboev U.S. |
88 |
Information support for tasks of automated control of grain drying process |
Proceedings of the republican scientific and technical conference "Modern technologies of processing of local raw materials and products", ТХТИ, Tashkent, 2008.- p. 401-405. |
5 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Maksudova Sh.A. Sharipov M.S. |
89 |
Mathematical model of the primary converter for controlling the technological parameters of the process of drying granular materials |
Proceedings of the republican scientific and technical conference "Modern technologies of processing of local raw materials and products", ТХТИ, Tashkent, 2008.- p. 370-373. |
4 |
Akhmedov B.M., Maksudova Sh.A. Sharipov M.S. |
90 |
Modeling of the drying process of dispersed materials. |
International conference "Innovation 2008", Technical Technical University, Tashkent, 2008.- p. 327-328. |
2 |
Maksudova Sh.A. Kodirov D.T. |
91 |
Conceptual bases of intellectual support of measuring instruments of structure and properties of firm loose materials |
Fourth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2008. – PP. 423-428. |
6 |
Sharipov MS, Maksudova Sh.A. |
92 |
Increase of reliability of the primary industrial-technological information in ASUTP vlago-thermal processing of grain production |
Fourth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2008. – PP. 358-365. |
8 |
Yusupbekov NR, Gulyamov Sh.M. |
93 |
Scientific-methodical basis of automatic control of electrophysical parameters of technological liquid media |
Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Energy saving when using alternative energy sources: problems and solutions" Karshi, 2008.-p.174-177. |
4 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
94 |
Information support of automated systems of control and management of technological processes and installation of moisture-heat treatment of grain production. |
Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Energy saving when using alternative energy sources: problems and solutions" Karshi, 2008.-p.177-179. |
3 |
– |
95 |
Colorimetric control parameters of thin films in the production of integrated circuits. |
Proceedings of the XXI International Scientific Conference "Mathematical Methods in Technology and Technologies" MMTT-21, volume 7, Saratov, 2008 - p.57-60. |
4 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Mukhamedhonov U.T. |
96 |
Stabilization of technological properties of grain by means of mixing of mixed batches of grain of different quality. |
Chemical technology, control and management, 2008, No. 6 (24), - p. 58-64. |
7 |
Sharipov M.S., Gafurova D.A. |
97 |
Increasing the reliability of primary production and technological information in ASUTP hydrothermal processing of grain production |
Chemical technology, control and management, 2009, №1, - p. 22-26. |
5 |
Temerbekova B.M., Maksudova S.A. |
98 |
Modeling of the process of drying vegetable raw materials |
Chemical technology, control and management, 2009, Tashkent, №5(29), - p. 62-69. |
7 |
Maksudova Sh.A.
99 |
Synthesis of first and second order differentiators |
"TashGTU Bulletin". - 2008.- №2-3. - P.265-267. |
3 |
100 |
Analytical method of synthesis of adaptive control of multidimensional bilinear dynamic objects with delay |
Proceedings of the VII All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Innovative technologies and economics in mechanical engineering", Yurga, 2009 - p.350-353 |
Gulyamov Sh.M., Yusupbekov A.N., Saparov B.T. |
101 |
A device for measuring humidity. Preliminary patent. |
Application No. IAP.20090133. Priority 31.12.1993 Registered-12.05.2009. |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Igamberdiev H.Z., |
102 |
A device for measuring the humidity of materials. Preliminary patent. |
Application No. IAP.20090134. Priority 31.12.1993 Registered-12.05.2009. |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Igamberdiev K.Z., Radjabova M.A. |
103 |
Device for drying bulk thermosensitive materials. |
Application No. IAP.20100008. Priority 31.12.1993 Registered - 13.01.2010 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Maksudova Sh.A. Sharipov M.S.,
104 |
Formal information task processing information |
Materials of the international scientific and technical conference "Modern techniques and technologies of the mining and metallurgical industry and the way of their development", Navoi, 2010 - p.474 |
Akhmedov B.M., Temerbekova B.M., Turaev S.A. |
105 |
A woman is a wise woman |
2 |
106 |
Methods and technical means of controlling parameters of moisture-heat treatment of grain production |
The year is dedicated to the harmoniously developed generation. Collection of theses. Actual problems of polymer science. Conference of young students. Tashkent-2010-p.80-81 |
2 |
Maksudova Sh.A. Sharipov M.S.
107 |
Sixth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, b-Quadrat Verlag, 2010. – PP. 191-195 |
4 |
Temerbekova B.M., Rakhmanberdieva G.T. |
108 |
Application of the methods of the theory of dielectrics to the modeling of the processes of the measurement transformation of the parameters of moisture-reactive materials. |
Problems of mathematical modeling and management of processes in the spheres of public economy. Institute of Engineering Economics. Republican Scientific and Practical Congress. Karshi 2011 p. 15-18 |
3 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M., Muhamedkhonov U.T |
109 |
Algorithmic redundancy of a discrete source of information |
Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine Navoi State Mining Institute. Perspectives of the development of technical technology and achievements of the mining and metallurgical industry during the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Materials of the republican scientific and technical conference. Navoi-2011. pp. 293-294. |
2 |
Mukhamedhonov U.T., Temerbekova B.M. |
110 |
Information support for tasks of automated control of grain drying process |
Science - the role of women and girls in the development of technology. Republic of Amalia Anjumani. Reports are not collected. Tashkent. ToshDTU, 2011. pp. 338-342 |
4 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
111 |
Methodical development of experimental study of characteristics of solid bulk materials. |
Scientific basis of development of standardization in agro-industry complex. Republican Scientific and Technical Conference 2011, pp. 132-135 |
3 |
Maksudova Sh.A. |
112 |
System for controlling the granulometric composition of bulk materials at the exit from the granulation dryer |
Collection of scientific articles, part II. TDTU, Tashkent 2010. pp. 61-63 |
3 |
Zhabborov H.Sh. |
113 |
Methodical development of experimental study of characteristics of solid bulk materials |
Innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process, Republican scientific-practical conference, TDTU, Tashkent 2010. p. 244-248 |
4 |
114 |
Hydrodynamic modeling of mine grain dryers |
"TashGTU Bulletin". - 2011.- #3-4. – P.51-53. |
3 |
115 |
Mathematical model of the primary converter of the control system of the technological parameters of the process of drying granular materials |
"Chemical technology control and management" International scientific and technical journal 1/2012 |
116 |
Metrological basics of technical measurement of humidity
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standard" No. 2/2012 |
A.A. Abdurakhmonov |
117 |
Ensuring reliability of results during calibration of cotton moisture meters |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standard" №4/2012 |
Sh.M. Masharipov |
118 |
Need, usefulness and quality of production |
Social and humanitarian sciences in the educational system 4/2012 |
Kuluev R. |
119 |
International standardization |
Current issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences. Republican inter-university collection. Tashkent 2012 |
Kuluev R. |
120 |
Competitive production |
Current issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences. Republican inter-university collection. Tashkent 2012 |
Kuluev R. |
121 |
Product quality management |
Current issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences. Republican inter-university collection. Tashkent 2012 |
Kuluev R. |
122 |
Seventh World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 25-27, 2012 |
3 |
UT Muhamedhanov MM Radjabova |
123 |
Problems of introducing the law of technical regulation into production in the Republic of Uzbekistan |
"TashGTU Bulletin". - 2013.- №1. - P.265-267. |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Kodirova Sh.A. |
124 |
Scientific and methodological basis of automatic control of electrophysical parameters of bulk materials |
Proceedings of the Republican scientific-theoretical conference on women's science and education system, May 24, 2013, pages 80-83, part 1 |
3 |
Kosimova G.R. |
125 |
Issues of improving the quality of training of specialists in the field of metrology |
"Metrology-2013" Republican scientific and practical conference, May 21, 2013 |
126 |
Grains and grain products are viscous moisture modifiers |
"Metrology-2013" Republican scientific and practical conference, May 21, 2013 |
127 |
Measurement of moisture content of fibrous materials |
Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Innovations and innovative technologies in production and higher education". Andijon 2013 pp. 116-119 |
4 |
Masharipov Sh.M. |
128 |
Pedagogical technologies in teaching the subject "Physical foundations of measurements". |
Social humanitarian sciences in the educational system 2/2013 p. 69-72 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Zhabborov H.Sh. |
129 |
Ensuring the reliability of information in information management systems: concept, principle, method and algorithm for increasing the reliability of measurement information |
Materials of the international scientific and technical conference "Resource- and energy-saving, ecologically harmless composite materials" Tashkent, September 19-21, 2013 p. 287-289. |
3 |
Gulyamov Sh.M., Temerbekova B.M |
130 |
Methodology for calculating the parameters of capacitive sensors for measuring the dielectric permittivity of bulk materials |
"Chemical technology control and management" International scientific and technical journal 6/2013 18-23 p. |
5 |
Masharipov Sh.M. |
131 |
Foreign experience in moisture measurement of agricultural materials |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 2/2013 pp. 30-33 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Masharipov Sh.M. |
132 |
A creative approach to a textbook on the basics of metrology |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 2/2013 pp. 40-43. |
3 |
133 |
Youth and technological innovation
Formation of harmoniously developed generation in modern conditions. Collection of scientific and methodical articles. Uzbek Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after T.N. Old Niazi. Tashkent - 2013. |
3 |
Kuluev R. |
134 |
Interaction of wet materials with a high-frequency electromagnetic field. |
Problems of cooperation of higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutionsRepublican Scientific and Practical Congress. p.187-195 BUKHARA March 18-19, 2014 |
8 |
Sh.M. Masharipov, H.O. Tangriev |
135 |
Current situation and prospective directions of operational implementation of the technical regulation system |
Problems of cooperation of higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions.Republican Scientific and Practical Congress. p.193-199 BUKHARA March 18-19, 2014 |
6 |
136 |
Hydrodynamic modeling of mine grain dryers |
Problems of cooperation of higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutionsRepublican Scientific and Practical Assembly b. 204-206 BUKHARO March 18-19, 2014 |
3 |
Asadova D. A |
137 |
The importance of moisture measurement in the production of raw cotton and its processing. |
Problems of cooperation of higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions.Republican Scientific and Practical Congress. p.210-214 BUKHARA March 18-19, 2014 |
4 |
Sh.M. Masharipov, H.O. Tangriev |
138 |
Conceptual foundations of intellectual support in determining the composition and characteristics of compositional materials |
Talented youthfan week April 21-26, Tashkent -2014 |
Asadova D. A |
139 |
Technical regulations are the main tool for solving regulatory issues from a technical point of view |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 2/2014 pp. 4-6 |
3 |
Turaev Sh.A. |
140 |
Improvement of accuracy characteristics of control system of electrical parameters of bulk materials |
Inter-university collection of scientific papers "Actual issues in the field of technical and social-economic sciences", PART 11, Tashkent, 2014. - p.99-100. |
2 |
Kuluev R. |
141 |
Hydrodynamic modeling of mine grain dryers |
Important issues of the fields of technical and socio-economic sciences. The collection of scientific works of the republican higher educational institutions. Tashkent - 2014. |
3 |
Kuluev R. |
142 |
Product competitiveness |
Important issues of the fields of technical and socio-economic sciences, collection of scientific works of the republican higher educational institutions, Tashkent - 2012, pages 309-310 |
2 |
Kuluev R. |
143 |
International standardization |
Important issues of the fields of technical and socio-economic sciences, the collection of scientific works of the republican higher educational institutions, Tashkent - 2012, pages 310-311 |
2 |
Kuluev R. |
144 |
Product quality management |
Important issues of the fields of technical and socio-economic sciences, the collection of scientific works of the republican higher educational institutions, Tashkent - 2012, pages 311-313 |
2 |
Kuluev R. |
145 |
Problems of introducing technical regulations into the technological processes of grain products |
A.A. Abdurakhmonov. RA Ibrahimov |
146 |
Scientific basis of implementation of technical regulatory system and its current status |
Science week of talented youth April 21-26, Tashkent - 2014 |
RA Ibrahimov |
147 |
Physical principles of measuring the density of substances |
Science week of talented youth April 21-26, Tashkent - 2014 |
JK Kudratov |
148 |
Metrological certification of results of measurements in intellectual information and measuring systems |
WCIS-2014, pp. 230-237. |
7 |
Sh.A.Turaev, B.M. Temerbekova, B.I. Eshmatova |
149 |
Measuring information systems in modern measuring equipment and in information technologies |
Perspectives for the development of information technologies. ITPA-2014, November 4-5 |
Sh.A. Kadyrova, Sh.A. Turaev, S. Muratov |
150 |
Application of information technologies in quality management system |
Perspectives for the development of information technologies. ITPA-2014, November 4-5 |
Sh.A.Turaev, N.Avezova |
151 |
A woman is a promoter of spirituality |
The place and role of women scientists in the development of science and science, November 20-21, 2014 |
Sh.A. Kadyrova, Sultonova Yu.A. |
152 |
Analysis of the reliability of the results of verification of means of measurement |
Scientific problems of energy supply of modern production, November 26-28, 2014 |
2 |
Sh.A. Kadyrova, Sh.A. Turaev, |
153 |
Some advice on research and processing of scientific and technical information when setting goals and objectives of doctoral dissertations |
Scientific problems of energy supply of modern production, November 26-28, 2014 |
2 |
RK Asimov S.A. Turaev |
154 |
The role of metrology in modern society and its influence on scientific and technical development |
Social and humanitarian sciences in the educational system 4/2014 ToshDTU p. 48-54 |
6 |
Ismatullaev P.R., S.A. Kadyrova, |
155 |
Intelligent sensors and information systems |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 1/2014 p. 34-38 |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., S.A. Kadyrova, |
156 |
Intelligence measurement tools |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 4/2014 pp. 44-46 |
3 |
S.A. Kadyrova |
157 |
The problem of production quality in Uzbekistan |
"TashGTU Bulletin". - 2014.- №1. – P.182-186 |
4 |
Kuluev R. |
158 |
The question of improving the quality of training of specialists in the field of metrology |
"Uzstandart" scientific and technical magazine "Standart" No. 1/2015 p. 36-39 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., RK Asimov |
159 |
Application of quality management in grain processing enterprises |
"The role of intellectual youth in the development of science and technology" Republican scientific practical conference 11th part of 2015 p. 144-145 |
2 |
Kodirov I.A. |
160 |
Control system of electrical parameters of porous materials |
"The role of intellectual youth in the development of science and technology" Republican Scientific and Practical Conference 11th part of 2015 p. 145-147 |
2 |
Muratov S.B. |
161 |
Installation for measuring dynamic shear parameters of viscoelastic liquids |
5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Metrology, Technical Regulation and Quality Assurance", October 8-9, 2015, Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality of Ukraine, Odesa. Pages 86-90 |
4 |
Khakimov O. Sh.d. etc. n., prof., Jabbarov R.R., Ph.D., docent |
162 |
The problem of ensuring uniformity of measurement in the control of humidity of loose materials |
"Chemical technology control and management" International scientific and technical journal. - Tashkent, 2015. - No. 1. - P.48-53. |
5 |
Masharipov Sh.M. |
163 |
Problems of improving the quality of media literacy in teaching the subject "Metrology, standardization and certification" in the undergraduate system |
Increasing media literacy of young people in the context of globalization. Materials of the republican scientific-practical seminary First book. Namangan-2015 str. 131-138 |
8 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh.A. |
164 |
Technical regulations are the main means of solving safety requirements |
News of TashGTU (Vestnik TashGTU), No. 1, 2015, pp. 196-202. |
7 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev S.A., Zhabborov H.Sh. |
165 |
If a respectable person is knowledgeable... |
Standart "Uzstanlart" agency scientific and technical magazine No. 3, 2015 -12-14 page. |
3 |
Zhabborov H.Sh. |
166 |
Modern concept of technical regulation development in Uzbekistan |
Vestnik TashGTU. - Tashkent, 2015. - No. 2. - P.215-219. |
5 |
P.R. Ismatullaev, S.A. Turaev, H.Sh. Jabborov, R.S. Abdurakhmanova |
167 |
Sensory analysis methods for evaluating the quality of confectionery and bakery products |
Standart "Uzstanlart" agency scientific and technical journal No. 4, 2015 -28-30 pages. |
3 |
Kuluev R. |
168 |
"Common and unified purpose" |
Newspaper "Pravda Vostok" No. 183 Tashkent-2015 |
4 |
Kuluev R. |
169 |
Technical regulations are a guarantee of product quality |
Standart "Uzstanlart" agency scientific and technical magazine Special issue, 2015 -27-29 page. |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev S.A., Zhabborov H.Sh. |
170 |
The dedication of higher education |
Tutor and student social and humanitarian sciences in the educational system 1/2015 ToshDTU p.112-115 |
3 |
Makhkamov U |
171 |
Uncertainty in the method of measuring the coefficient of reflection of the ultrasonic wave from the boundary solid - liquid.
3rd International Scientific ConferenceMeasurement, control and diagnostics in technical systems (VKDTS-2015) First information notice Requirements and materials |
O. Sh. Khakimov, R.R. Jabbarov |
172 |
Analysis of capacitive transducers of grain moisture |
Magazine "TOOLS". – No. 5, 2016. International scientific and technical society of instrument makers and metrologists (MNTO PM), Russia: Moscow, 2016. -S. 23-25. |
4 |
Boboev G |
173 |
Problems of using modern tools in determining the composition and characteristics of the raw materials |
ToshDTU news, 2015, special issue |
5 |
Boboev G.G., Masharipov Sh.M. |
174 |
Thermal moisture meter of insulating materials (thermal moisture meter of insulating materials) |
Submitted to IS agency |
Registration number of the patent application No. IAP 20150481, 16.12.2015 |
Azimov R.K., Abdurakhmonov A.A., Boboev G.G. |
175 |
Criteria for determining the inter-confidence intervals of measurement means criterion |
"TashGTU Bulletin". - 2015.- №5. – P.182-186 |
Ismatullaev P.R., S.A. Kadyrova, |
176 |
Scientific and methodical foundations of teaching metrology, standardization and certifications on the basis of multimedia systems |
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA-2015). –Tashkent-Seoul (S.Korea). -PP.22-27. |
6 |
PRIsmatullev, Sh.A.Turaev |
177 |
Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances |
Journal «European scientific review». - Vienna (Austria), 2016. - Vol. 5-6. |
5 |
GGBoboev |
178 |
Methods and tools for grain quality assessment
V Luzhsk scientific readings. Modern scientific knowledge: theory and practice Proceedings of the international scientific conference. St. Petersburg May 22, 2017 |
4 |
RR Kuluev |
179 |
Virtual testing laboratory |
Scientific and technical journal of Standart "Uzstanlart" agency, 2017 - pages 26-28 |
2 |
T.R. Kuluev |
180 |
ToshDTU News. 2017 #4
6 |
Sh.A. Turaev, H.Sh. Jabbarov, B.A. Shayzakov
181 |
Basic principles of modern quality management |
The role of women in the development of science and technology Republican conference, May 18-19, 2017 |
3 |
T.R. Kuluev |
182 |
Evaluation of the reliability of the results during calibration of hygrometers |
4 |
RR Kuluev |
183 |
3 |
RR Kuluev |
184 |
Comparative analysis of amplitude and phase methods for the case of measuring the humidity of materials in the technological flow |
Devices and Systems Scientific and Technical Journal. Russian Federation 2018 |
3 |
RR Kuluev P. Ismatullaev |
185 |
The main conditions of grain preservation during processing in the technological flow |
Standard magazine 2018. #1 |
3 |
T.R. Kuluev |
186 |
Study of the infrared method of drying grains and granular materials |
"Young student" International scientific journal. 2016 #14 |
3 |
Avezova N.I. Boboev G. |
187 |
Estimation of the instrumental error of the dielcometric moisture meter |
ToshDTU Vestnik 2018 #1 |
6 |
RR Kuluev |
188 |
Measuring information systems in modern measuring equipment and information technologies |
Standard Magazine 2017. #4 |
4 |
Sh. Turaev N. Avezova |
189 |
The main methodical approaches to increasing the efficiency of verification works in agriculture |
Vestnik TashGTU 2017 #1 |
3 |
Avezova N.I. Boboev G. |
190 |
Increase the efficiency of the grain dryer |
Interuniversity collection of scientific works "Actual issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences", volume 2, Tashkent, 2018. - p.81-82. |
6 |
Kosimova G |
191 |
Conditions of Uncertainty: How Factors Cause Outcome Measurement |
Print edition |
Journal "European Science" No. 10 Russian Federation |
Bits 10-16 |
Kodirova D. |
192 |
Application of information technologies in quality management systems |
Interuniversity collection of scientific papers "Actual issues in the field of technical and social and economic sciences", vol. 2, Tashkent, 2018. - p83-84. |
4 |
Sh. Turaev Kh. Avezova |
193 |
Criteria for determination of inter-repeated intervals of measurement means
Tenth World Conference "Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation", WCIS-2018, 25-26 October 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
4 |
194 |
The main principle of modern quality management |
Scientific journal "The Problem of Science", Moscow, No. 9 (32), 2018 |
Kosimova G.R. |
195 |
Research of water content of crude oil with normal quality parameters optimally selected moisture |
Printed |
WCIS-2018, October 25-26, 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
PRIsmatullayev |
196 |
Review of the classical methods for measuring the moisture content of oil and petroleum products |
Printed |
APPLE “Applied curricula in space exploration and intelligent robotic systems” JOINT PROJECT CURRICULAR REFORM, 2018 ERASMUS+ joint project Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education |
3 |
Avezova NI, Ismatullayev RK |
197 |
Quality management system and information technology |
Printed |
APPLE “Applied curricula in space exploration and intelligent robotic systems” JOINT PROJECT CURRICULAR REFORM, 2018 ERASMUS+ joint project Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education |
5 |
Avezova NI, Turayev Sh. |
198 |
Basic designs of capacitor cylindrical converters of moisture |
Printed |
Space engineering, technologies ad exploration. 2018. |
9 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Zhabborov H.Sh. |
199 |
Method of control of grain humidity during storage |
Scopus |
Vestnik TashGTU 2018 |
7 |
Saifullaeva D. |
200 |
Modern intellectual systems of production, storage and processing of grain products |
Printed |
Journal "DEVICE AND SYSTEM. MANAGEMENT, CONTROL, DIAGNOSTICS. 2018. No. 3 Russian Federation |
32-36 betar |
PR Ismatullaev |
201 |
Industry 4.0 is a metrological development in the modern direction |
Printed |
ACADEMY-scientific and methodical journal. RF No. 3(42) March 2019 |
4 |
Kuluev R.R. |
202 |
Drying accumulated energy of solar rays |
Printed |
Science research, development #15. Technics and technology. Rotterdam 30.03.2019 |
3 |
K.T. Norkulova, Mamatkulolov M., U. Khudakulov, B. Shayzakov |
203 |
The study of criterion indicators of the quality of production |
Printed |
The republican scientific practical conference on the topic "critical problems of the development of mining, chemical technology, oil and gas and light industrial sectors in the Republic of Korakolpakistan". Nukus-2019 |
2 |
Karimov A.A. |
204 |
Quality and safety control of food products |
Printed |
The republican scientific practical conference on the topic "critical problems of the development of mining, chemical technology, oil and gas and light industrial sectors in the Republic of Korakolpakistan". Nukus-2019 |
2 |
Karimov A.A. |
205 |
Improving the quality of processing and increasing the efficiency of grain dryers |
Printed |
The republican scientific practical conference on the topic "critical problems of the development of mining, chemical technology, oil and gas and light industrial sectors in the Republic of Korakolpakistan". Nukus-2019 |
2 |
Kasimova G., Sayfulaeva F. |
206 |
Analytical methods for determination of humidity of petroleum products and substances |
Printed |
The republican scientific practical conference on the topic "critical problems of the development of mining, chemical technology, oil and gas and light industrial sectors in the Republic of Korakolpakistan". Nukus-2019 |
3 |
P.R. Ismatullaev. N.I.Avezova |
207 |
Experience and prospects of crude oil hydrometry development in Uzbekistan |
Printed |
The republican scientific practical conference on the topic "critical problems of the development of mining, chemical technology, oil and gas and light industrial sectors in the Republic of Korakolpakistan". Nukus-2019 |
2 |
Ozodboev R. |
209 |
Analysis of international standards of education quality |
Printed |
Materials of international scientific and practical conference on the theme of achievements of women in the field of science, education, culture and innovative technologies (May 17-18, 2019) Jizzak |
5 |
G.R.Kosimova, H.I.Avezova |
210 |
Women in the development of the country instead of |
Printed |
Materials of international scientific and practical conference on the theme of achievements of women in the field of science, education, culture and innovative technologies (May 17-18, 2019) Jizzak |
3 |
Kodirova Sh.A |
211 |
Technological development of bread from sprouted grain wheat |
Printed |
Tashkent chemical and technological institute innovative technologies in security quality and safety of chemical and food production Materials of the II-Republican Scientific and Technical Conference Tashkent, May 17, 2019 |
2 |
Saifullaev D |
212 |
Intelligent systems of grain storage |
Printed |
Tashkent chemical and technological institute innovative technologies in security quality and safety of chemical and food production Materials of the II-Republican Scientific and Technical Conference Tashkent, May 17, 2019 |
2 |
Shayzakov B.A., Sayfullaeva D. |
213 |
Evaluation of ultrasound reflection coefficient measurement result and its uncertainty by the method of linearization |
Printed |
Scopus.2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers CAOL 2019. |
3 |
O. Khakimo., RRJabborov. GAGaziev |
214 |
Improvement of intelligent sensors of physical quantities |
Printed |
Vestnik TashGTU 1/2019. |
5 |
Kadyrova Sh.A. Avezova N.I. |
215 |
Development of information technologies used in quality management systems of the educational process |
Printed |
Vestnik TashGTU 1/2019. |
7 |
Turaev S.A., Avezova H.I. |
216 |
Development of a device for controlling the moisture content of liquid materials |
Printed |
"Devices" №7 (229) 2019 Devices and means of automation. 2019 |
5 |
N.I.Avezova, P.R. Ismatullaev. RK Asimov. GG Boboev |
217 |
Temperature control and monitoring in soil storage warehouses is a guarantee of its quality storage |
Printed |
"Problems and prospects of innovative techniques and technologies" Collection of scientific works. 2019 |
2 |
Shaizokov B. |
218 |
The heating gas is in the tubes located at the focal line of the steamer |
3 |
B. M. Zhumaev |
219 |
Quality management system certification procedure |
Printed |
Innovative technologies in ensuring the quality and safety of chemical and food products |
3 |
M.M. Makhmudjonov. G.R. Kosimova
220 |
Priorities and values of innovative theory and practice in the educational process |
Printed |
Republican Scientific-Practical Conference 2019. |
5 |
221 |
Production and expansion of the assortment of grain bread |
Printed |
"The role of intellectual youth in the development of science and technology" Republican scientific and technical conference 2019. |
3 |
Saifullaeva D. |
222 |
Moisture meter for bulk materials |
Printed |
Korea International Women's Invention Exposition. KINTEX 20.06.2019. |
Avezova N. |
223 |
Multifunctional heat converter moisture content of liquid materials |
Published in Scopus |
ScopusICISCT 2019 (International conference on information science and applications, Trends and opportunities. 4-6 november 2019. Session 2. |
5 |
Avezova N., Ismatullaev P., Boboev G. |
224 |
Ways to develop innovative processes in grain production |
Printed Scopus |
ScopusICISCT 2019 (International conference on information science and applications, Trends and opportunities. 4-6 november 2019. Session 4. |
7 |
Avezova N., Boboev G. |
225 |
Ultrasonic installation for studying the kinetics of fast and ultrafast processes in liquids by shear waves |
Printed Scopus |
Scopus 29th International Scientific Symposium "Metrology and Metrological Support 2019". Bulgaria. |
3 |
Khakimov O.Sh. Gaziev G.A., Jabborov R.R. |
226 |
Warehouse automation based on innovative methods and intelligent systems |
Printed |
Technical stars 1/2019. |
7 |
Shaizakov B. |
227 |
Development of a device for controlling the humidity of loose and liquid materials based on the capacitive method
12th International Scientific and Technical Conference "PRIBOROSTROENIE-2019" Minsk BNTU 2019
2 |
Kuluev R. |
228 |
Multifunctional thermal converter of moisture content of liquid materials |
Printed |
Journal "Pribory" International scientific and technical society of instrument makers and metrologists. - Russia.2019. No. 9. S. 12-15 |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I. Babaev G.G. |
229 |
Scientific bases of metrological support of measurements of composition and properties of oil |
Printed |
International scientific and scientific-technical conference on "problems and prospects of innovative techniques and technologies in agriculture - food industry". TashDTU-2020 |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I. Babaev G.G. |
230 |
Scientific bases of metrological support of measurements of composition and properties of oil |
Printed |
JOURNAL of CRITICAL REVIEWS Val 7.ISSUE 10.2020. pp. 2301-2303 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Matyakubova P.M., Babaev G.G. |
231 |
Comparative analysis of amplitude and phase methods for the case of measuring the moisture content of materials in the technological flow during dry grain |
Printed |
Journal of engineering physics Vol. 94 No. 2/2021 2021. VOL 94, NUMBER 2 (MARCH-APRIL) |
7 |
232 |
The quantum Josephson effect and its application in the construction of the voltmeter standard |
Printed |
2 |
Kuluev R |
233 |
Capacitive effects for the construction of voltage sensors |
2 |
234 |
Development of software-hardware complex for optical quality control of monocrystalline optoelectronic elements by laser conoscopy |
Printed |
VI International Conference "LAPLAZ-2020 |
2 |
Kuluev R |
235 |
Improve the quality of the final product and save energy when drying with oil coolants and ir radiation |
Printed |
4 |
Norkulova K.T. Mamasalieva M.I. Mamatkulov M.M. |
236 |
Heat energy regeneration in the process of integrated drying of agricultural products |
Printed |
4 |
Norkulova K.T. Mamasalieva M.I. Mamatkulov M.M. Mamasolieva M.I. |
237 |
Static characteristics of thermal humidity converters of liquid materials in continuous flow |
Printed |
Chemical Technology, Control and Management. Volume 2020 Issue 4 Article 5. 8-29-2020 |
10 |
Avezova N.I. Ismatullaev P.R. Matyakubova P.M. |
238 |
Basic characteristics of thermal converters for controlling humidity of liquid materials |
Printed |
Chemical Technology, Control and Management.
Avezova N.I. Ismatullaev P.R. Matyakubova P.M. |
239 |
Regeneration of thermal energy for drying systems with parabolic solar heating. |
Printed |
Scientific ideas of youth scientists.International scientific and practical conferences June, 2020 Warsaw, Poland Wydawca: Sp. z o. o≪Diamond trading tour≫ Address wydawcy i redakcji: 00-728 Warszawa, ul. S. Kierbedzia, 4 lok. 103 DOI: Available September, 2020 Warsaw, Poland |
2 |
Norkulova K.T. Matyakubova P.M. Boboev G.G. |
240 |
Using elastic oscillations to dry materials with the help of vibrating heat flow |
Printed |
International Conference. Europe, Science and We Evropa 2020 Praha, Czech Republic Conference Proceedings. |
Norkulova K.T. Matyakubova P.M. Mamatkulov M.M. |
241 |
International experience-mechanism for improving the quality of production at the enterprise |
Printed |
"O'zstandart Agency" "Standartlar" scientific and technical journal. 2 020 year 1-son. |
9 |
Sattorov D. Matyakubova P.M. Avezova Kh. |
242 |
Evaluation and quality competitiveness of production |
Printed |
"O'zstandart Agency" "Standartlar" scientific and technical journal. 2020 year 2-son |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Matyakubova P.M. Kodirova Sh.A. |
243 |
Methods for increasing and assessing the reliability of medical equipment |
Printed |
Scopus.International conference on information science and communications technologies 2020 |
5 |
Magrupova M. Magrupov T.M., Abdukholikov S.P. |
244 |
Pulsation acceleration of drying by means of vibration of the heat carrier gas flow inside the chamber |
Printed |
ACADEMICIA An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Double Blind Refereed& Peer Reviewed Journal) DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2020.01630.4 ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13 |
5 |
Norkulova K.T. Mamasolieva M.B Mamatkulov M.M.
245 |
Improvement of technological processes in oil and fat production in order to ensure high quality and safety of production |
Printed |
"Actual problems and innovative technologies in the field of natural sciences" International scientific and practical online conference November 20-21, 2020 |
9 |
Turaev Sh.A. Bekmuradov C.A. |
246 |
Mathematical model of a heat converter with a cylindrical heat pipe and a distributed heat source |
Printed |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1686(1), 012063March-April 2020, #3672-3680 |
8 |
Ismatullaev. P.R., Matyakubova P.M., Kodirova Sh.A. |
247 |
Metrological basics of technical measurement of humidity of substances |
Printed |
Scientific ideas of young scientists. Poland 2020 December DOI: 36-38. |
2 |
Matyakubova P.M., Boboev G.G. Eshonkulova M.N. |
248 |
The problem of changing the flow of juices in microchannels with its filter walls |
Printed |
International Conference EUROPE, SCIENCE AND WE EUROPE. Czech Republic 2020 Praha, Czech Republic Conference Proceedings. 115-118. |
3 |
Norkulova K.T., Matyakubova P.M., Mamatkulov M.M. |
249 |
Information approach for evaluating the characteristics of measuring instruments |
Printed |
Scientific ideas of young scientists.Poland December 2020. p. 33-35.
3 |
Matyakubova P.M., Kodirova Sh.A., Boboev G.G.
250 |
Basic concepts of metrological digital measurements |
Printed |
Automatic emission control: experience in the use of predictive systems. Russia. 9-10/2020. ISSN 1993-87-80 (print) |
8 |
Sattorov D.N. |
251 |
Construction of a modern production quality management system |
Printed |
Young scientists, graduate students and undergraduate students are invited to the articles of the XXIX Scientific and Technical Conference. "Hopeful chemists-2020". 2020 year. |
2 |
Avezova H.I., Zaripov B.B. |
252 |
Study of flat solar heater for dry and artificial heating with temperature control |
Printed |
"Innovative technology and agricultural technologies ─ food chain problem and expectations" international scientific and scientific-technical conference on the subject.April 24-25, 2020 |
2 |
Mamatkulov M.M., Zhumaev B.M. |
253 |
Printed |
"Hopeful chemists-2020" Collection of articles of the xxix scientific and technical conference for young scientists, graduate students and undergraduate students |
4 |
Makhmudjonov M.M., Avezova H.I. |
254 |
International requirements and perspectives Implementation of the ISO 50001 series of standards in enterprises of the energy industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan through Energy management |
Printed |
Innovative technology and The environment of technologies In the field of environmental protection Problems and prospects international scientific and technical conference on the subject Tashkent 2020, 201-203 |
3 |
RR Kuluev |
255 |
Digitalization as a tool for developing a quality management system |
Printed |
Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020 |
5 |
Avezova H.I. Ismatullaev P.R., Makhmudjonov M.M., Kosimova G.R., |
256 |
Application of the system approach in certification of aviation equipment |
Printed |
International scientific-practical on-line conference on "Challenging problems and innovative technologies in the field of natural sciences" November 20-21, 2020, TOSHKENT 2020, st. 428-436 |
9 |
Abdujabarov NA, Mahmudjonov MM, Avazov GI |
257 |
International experience in technical regulation and product |
Printed |
International scientific and practical conference CUTTING EDGE-SCIENCE January, 2021 Shawnee, USA Conference Proceedings pp. 66-68 |
3 |
NA Abdujabarov, MM Mahmudjonov, GI Avazov |
258 |
Scientific basis of metrological measurement of composition and properties of oil |
Printed |
"Innovative technology and agricultural technologies ─ food chain problem and expectations" international scientific and scientific-technical conference on the subject.April 24-25, 2020 |
3 |
Avezova N.I. Sultonova Yu.A. |
259 |
Investment in higher education and its results |
Printed |
JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS ISSN- 2394-5125VOL 7, ISSUE 15, 2020 1759-1761. |
3 |
Sattorov D.N., Avezova H.I., Masharipov Sh.M.
260 |
A probabilistic description of the estimation of random variables. Probabilistic description of random variables their estimate |
Printed |
Scientific ideas of young scientists. International scientific and practical conferences January, 2021 Warsaw, Poland. DOI: |
6 |
Kodirova Sh.A. Zhabborov H.Sh. |
261 |
Issues of creation of intelligent information and measurement systems for control of parameters of physical and chemical values with required accuracy |
Printed |
Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR) DOI: 10.5958/2278-4853.2021.00121.X ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol 10, Issue 3, March, 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.699 |
7 |
Sh.M. Masharipov, Akhmetova B.H., Jumaniyazova N.A. |
262 |
Again this quality |
Printed |
Scientific and technical magazine "STANDART" of "UZSTANDART" agency. 2020/04 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Zhabborov H.Sh. |
263 |
Analysis of errors and estimation of the total error of thermal converters of moisture content of liquid materials |
Printed |
Innovations in the oil and gas industry. ISSN 2181-1482. Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-1482 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 |
6 |
Ismatullaev P.M., Avezova N.I., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
264 |
Calculation of the main and additional errors of the moisture meter of grains and grain products |
Printed |
Innovations in the oil and gas industry. ISSN 2181-1482. Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-1482 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1 |
6 |
RR Kuluev |
265 |
The role of metrological institutes in quality infrastructure |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 18-23 str |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.M. Kodirova Sh.A., Turaev Sh. |
266 |
Features of the development of standardization in the conditions of the digital economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 33-37 |
5 |
Satarov D.N. |
267 |
Principles of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 40-43 |
4 |
Ikromov D |
268 |
Liquids are analyzed to determine their viscosity |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 103-107 |
4 |
Muminov H.D. |
269 |
The sphere of technical regulation |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 160-167 |
7 |
Makhmudjonov M., Sh. Toshboev |
270 |
Product quality and model satisfaction is the key to customer satisfaction |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 151-155 |
4 |
Nazhmidinov T.R. |
271 |
Metrological support as an integral part of production quality management system |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 308-311 |
5 |
Mukhamedkhanov U.T., Kuluev R.R., Nasimkhonov L. |
272 |
The study of metrological and technical characteristics of the capacity of the transformers of humidity |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 409-415 |
5 |
Kuluev R.R |
273 |
Metrological support of innovative technologies in industry |
Printed |
Scientific and technical conference on modern researches, innovations, technical issues and technologies. Jizzakh October 15, 2021 |
3 |
S.A. Turaev, M.M. Makhmudjonov |
274 |
Study of the initiators of the biological behavior in laboratory and extreme conditions |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 364-367 |
4 |
Tangriev H.O. |
275 |
Wheat grain as a raw material for the flour industry and requirements for its quality |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 442-445 |
3 |
Kuluev R.R. Sattorberganova G.K. |
276 |
The place and role of metrological supply in modern economic conditions |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 288-292 |
5 |
D.U.Shokirov, G.H.Husnieva |
277 |
Current issues of metrological support in aviation technology |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 323- p |
4 |
Kodirova Sh.A. Zhabborov H.Sh, Makhmudjonov M.M. |
278 |
Problems of mathematical modeling of the thermal converter of liquid materials |
Printed |
International conference "Prospects and problems of metrological support" Tashkent, May 18-19, 2021 pp. 373-376 |
4 |
Avazova N.I. Ismatullaev P.R. |
279 |
Technological process of convective drying of bulk materials |
Printed |
VII International Conference "Laser, plasma research and technologies" LapPlaz 2021 Collection of scientific papers Ch1.M.: NIAU MEFI, 2021 73-76 |
3 |
Kuluev R.R |
280 |
Printed |
VII International Conference "Laser, plasma research and technologies" LapPlaz 2021 Collection of scientific papers Ch1.M.: NIAU MEFI, 2021 77-82 |
4 |
Ismatullaev P, Avezova N. Makhmudjonov M. |
281 |
Printed |
VII International Conference "Laser, plasma research and technologies" LapPlaz 2021 Collection of scientific papers Ch1.M.: NIAU MEFI, 2021 84-89 |
5 |
Sh Kodirova, Makhmudjonov M. |
282 |
The principle of operation of a thermal thermoresistive measuring transducer |
Printed |
Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on the field of physics and technology. May 28, 2021, pp. 76-79 Nukus-2021 |
4 |
Kuluev RR, Malikov D |
283 |
Thermal measuring transducers |
Printed |
Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on the field of physics and technology. 2021 May 28, pp. 79-81 Nukus-2021 |
4 |
Kuluev RR, Malikov D |
284 |
Ensuring the quality of aviation services by conducting certification of aviation equipment |
Printed |
Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on the field of physics and technology. May 28, 2021, pp. 281-285 Nukus-2021 |
4 |
B. Zhumamuradov G. Avazov |
285 |
Features of the development of standardization in the conditions of the digital economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Printed |
Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on the field of physics and technology. May 28, 2021, pp. 289-293 Nukus-2021 |
4 |
B. Zhumamuradov
286 |
Analysis of the current state of humidity control bulk materials by bulk method |
Printed |
State-of-the-art research, innovation, Development of techniques and technologies Problems and trends of development A collection of materials of the republican scientific and technical conference held on April 9-10, 2021 VOLUME 2, pp. 47-51 |
4 |
Kuluev R. Ismailov MI, Azizkhonova A. |
287 |
Technical regulation is a factor competitiveness of goods and services |
Printed |
State-of-the-art research, innovation, Development of techniques and technologies Problems and trends of development A collection of materials of the republican scientific and technical conference held on April 9-10, 2021 VOLUME 2, pp. 51-53 |
3 |
Kuluev R. Nizomov N, Mullazhonov J. |
288 |
International system of technical regulation |
Printed |
State-of-the-art research, innovation, Development of techniques and technologies Problems and trends of development A collection of materials of the republican scientific and technical conference held on April 9-10, 2021 VOLUME 2, pp. 53-56 |
3 |
Kuluev R. Nizomov N, Mullazhonov J |
289 |
Benefits of implementing system management quality Enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Printed |
State-of-the-art research, innovation, Development of techniques and technologies Problems and trends of development A collection of materials of the republican scientific and technical conference held on April 9-10, 2021 VOLUME 2, pp. 42-45 |
3 |
P.M. Matyakubova. Azizkhonova A., Zaripov B |
290 |
Again this quality |
Printed |
Scientific and technical magazine "STANDART" of "UZSTANDART" agency. 2020/04 |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Zhabborov H.Sh. |
291 |
Study of the main parameters of the capacitive converter |
Printed |
Scopus.Journal of Physics: Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2036/1/012001. LaPlas 2021 |
10 |
Zhabborov H.Sh. Kodirova Sh.A., Makhmudjonov M.M |
292 |
Algorithms for increasing the reliability of primary measurement information |
Printed |
Scopus.Journal of Physics: Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2036/1/012001. LaPlas 2021 |
8 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
293 |
View to the recent future of metrological supply of measuring instruments. selection of measuring tools |
Printed |
Technical science and innovation. 2021, No. 3(09) pp. 194-201. |
8 |
Shokirov D.U., Boboev G.G., Pulatov M.M. |
294 |
Modern problems of metrological support of technological development of Uzbekistan economy |
6 |
SJ Karajanova, MM Maxmudjonov, NI Avezova, N. Nizomov |
295 |
Development of proposals for improving product quality indicators in the enterprise |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Kasimova S.H
296 |
Agrotechnology as the main factor in the development of grain economy |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
6 |
Kuluev R.R Saifullaeva D.D |
297 |
The method of controlling the humidity of grain products in elevators |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
7 |
Kuluev R.R Saifullaeva D.D |
298 |
Algorithmic maintenance of measuring instruments with metrological self-control |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Kadyrova Sh.A. Makhmudjonov M.M |
299 |
Gas and gas control devices |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R Makhmudjonov M.M |
300 |
Technical barriers in international trade |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Makhmudjonov M.M Fattoev F.F Avezova H.I |
301 |
Technical regulation and standardization of quality and safety of production and environment in the countries of the European Union |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Kadyrova Sh.A. Makhmudjonov M.M Ergashova K.B |
302 |
Study of physico-chemical properties of petroleum oil |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Makhmudjonov M.M L.N. Nasimkhonov Muminov H.D. |
303 |
Experimental installation for the study of electrophysical characteristics of bulk materials |
Printed |
Innovation in the oil and gas industry. No. 3/2021 |
12 |
Kuluev R.R. |
304 |
Mathematical modeling of drying kinetics of grain products |
Printed |
Innovation in the oil and gas industry. No. 3/2021 |
8 |
Boboev G.G., Makhmudjonov M.M., Tugalov B |
305 |
Methods for monitoring metrological characteristics of scientific and physical parameters of intelligent sensors in real operating conditions |
Printed |
Scopus.Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (2021) 032037 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1889/3/032037 ICMSIT-II 2021. |
5 |
Sh.M. Masharipov, Ruzmatov K.R., Sultonov M.K. |
306 |
The method is to measure the unit viscosity of liquids |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Saidoripov L.F., Mavlyanov M.A., Muminov H.D |
307 |
Quality management system in enterprises improvement |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2 |
Toshtemirov M. U |
308 |
Methods and means of environmental monitoring and control |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Masharipov Sh.M., Ruzmetov K.R., M. Mavlyanov |
309 |
Primary measuring transducer of moisture meters of liquid materials |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Avezova N.I |
310 |
The role of standardization in the creation of digital production |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
7 |
P.R. Ismatullaev, Sh.A. Turaev., Avezova H.I |
311 |
Structural diagram of the algorithm of operation of freeze-dried grains. |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
D.D. Saifullaeva. Tokhirov N.A |
312 |
Methods of evaluation and calculation of characteristic transformations of impulse sensors. |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2 |
AB Abubakirov, B.A. Zhumamuratov |
313 |
International standards and the fourth industrial revolution |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
P.R. Ismatullaev, G.I.Avezov |
314 |
A method of optimizing the mixing of bulk materials in continuous drum mixers. |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2 |
G. G. Boboev. N. B. Nizomov, L.N. Nasimkhonov |
315 |
Algorithm of process control of grain drying |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2 |
L Saidoripov, A. Miralieva |
316 |
Mathematical model of measuring information subsystem asupt |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
2 |
Sh.M. Masharipov. M. Mavlyanov |
317 |
Standardization in the conditions of the digital economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
D.N. Sattarov |
318 |
Odors and their control devices |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
4 |
P.R. Ismatullaev. M.M. Makhmudjonov |
319 |
Methods of metrological self-control of measuring instruments |
Printed |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "The problem of the state system of technical regulation of the quality of the national infrastructure in overcoming technical barriers in international trade and its actual scientific and practical issues." October 14, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Kadyrova S.A., Makhmudjonov M.M |
320 |
Development of mathematical models of capacitive transducers of humidity of grain and grain products |
Printed |
Metrology and instrumentation. Scientific and technical journal. №3 2021. St. 8-11 |
4 |
Kuluev R.R. |
321 |
Development of physical and mathematical models of capacitive transducers of grain humidity |
Printed |
14th international scientific and technical conference "EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION - 2021" November 17-19, 2021 Minsk, Republic of Belarus 293-296 |
3 |
P.M. Matyakubova |
322 |
Mathematical modeling of the kinetics of drying grain products |
Printed |
Innovation in the oil and gas industry. No. 3/2021. Articles 38-46 |
9 |
Boboev G.G., Makhmudjonov M.M., Tugalov B. |
323 |
Experimental installation for the study of electrophysical characteristics of bulk materials |
Printed |
Innovation in the oil and gas industry. No. 3/2021. Articles 79-91 |
13 |
Kuluev R.R. |
324 |
General issues of diagnostics during the certification of aviation instruments |
Printed |
"Actual aspects of air transport development" (AVIATRANS-2021) October 20-27, 2021. Articles 44-48 |
5 |
Eshmuradov D.E., Avazov G.I. |
325 |
A collection of problems and exercises on measurement uncertainty |
Printed |
XVIII International Scientific and Technical Seminar “Measurement Uncertainty: Scientific, Normative, Applied and Methodical Aspects” THESES OF REPORTS Kharkov, December 13-14, 2021 |
2 |
Khakimov O.Sh., Muminov N.Sh. |
326 |
The role and importance of the chromatographic gas analyzer in various technological processes. |
Printed |
Science community: web of conferences / komunitas sains: web conference. November-December, 2021 Jakarta, Indonesia pp. 40-42. |
2 |
B. U. Gaibnazarov |
327 |
Analysis of errors and estimation of the total error of thermal converters of moisture content of liquid materials |
Printed |
Innovation in the oil and gas industry. Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-1482. ISSN 2181-1482. |
4 |
Magrupov A.M., Kodirova Sh.A. |
328 |
Scientific ideas of young students |
Printed |
Information approach for evaluating the characteristics of measuring instruments. ISBN 978-83-66401-69-3. December 2020 |
3 |
PM Matyakubova, SA Kadirova, GG Boboev |
329 |
Mathematical model of a heat transducer with a cylindrical heat pipeline and with a focused heat source |
Scopus. Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2020, 1686(1), 012063 |
Avezawa N.I. Ismatullaev P.R., Kodirova Sh.A. |
330 |
Current state of modeling of grain dryers |
"Hopeful chemists-2020" Proceedings of the XXIX Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Students, Master's and Undergraduate Students Tashkent 2020, pages 346-348 |
2 |
Kuluev R.R., Ergasheva K |
331 |
Automated control of humidity of materials |
State-of-the-art research, innovation, Development of techniques and technologies Problems and trends of development does not collect the materials of the scientific and technical conference of the republic on the subject VOLUME 2 (April 10-11, 2020) Jizzakh-2020, 125-127 pages |
2 |
Kuluev R.R., R.R. Ozodboev |
332 |
Modern innovations in the technology of storage and processing of grain products |
Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education In the name of Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University In the development of science and technology The role of intellectual youth" on the subject Republican scientific and technical conference of young people Tashkent-2020, pages 54-57 |
3 |
Kuluev R.R. |
333 |
Innovative development and schematic diagram of grain moisture measurement device based on capacitive method. |
“Innovation to production Technology implementation and recovery From renewable energy sources "Usage Issues" does not collect the materials of the republic-wide scientific and technical conference on the subject (November 2, 2020) Jizzakh-2020, pages 392-395 |
3 |
Kuluev R.R. |
334 |
Selection of a thermal method for monitoring the humidity of liquid materials for the creation of a flow hygrometer. |
Printed |
Technika stars. #1-2. MAXSUS SON 2021 y. |
2 |
N.F. Zikrillaev, J.B. Yusupov, A. Risbaev, Sh. Kayumov, R.N. Shamsiev. |
335 |
Development of electronic textbooks on the subject "Methods and means of measurement" improvement of metrological equipment. |
Printed |
IJORCES. International journal of conference series on education and social sciences. (Online) November, December 2021. ISSN 2717-7076 Bursa Bursa, Turkey
4 |
Matyakubova P.M., Gaibnazarov B.U. |
336 |
A Comparative Analysis of Amplitude and Phase Methods for Measuring the Moisture Content of Materials in the Grain Drying Process Flow |
Printed |
Scopus.Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysicsthis link is disabled, 2021, 94(2), p. 408–414 |
6 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Kuluev R.R. |
337 |
Study of integrated technologies of control and management |
Printed |
VIII International Conference "laser, plasma research and technology" LAPLAZ-2022 Moscow. pp. 431-434 |
3 |
Boboev G.G., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
338 |
Permissible norm for toxic gases that can be spread in the air and software for windows operating system designed to measure it |
Printed |
VIII International Conference "laser, plasma research and technology" LAPLAZ-2022 Moscow. pp. 435-437 |
3 |
Makhmudjonov M.M. |
339 |
Analysis of technical characteristics of modern satellite systems |
Printed |
VIII International Conference "laser, plasma research and technology" LAPLAZ-2022 Moscow. pp. 427-430 |
4 |
Zhumamuratov B.A. |
340 |
Is gazi is harmful, uni control muhim masala |
Printed |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
341 |
Block diagram of the algorithm Block diagram of the algorithm of the operation of freeze-dried grains |
Printed |
3 |
Saifullaeva D., Tugalov B. |
342 |
Metrological support of innovative technologies |
Printed |
4 |
Saifullaeva D., Tugalov B. |
343 |
Quality control of oil and oil products |
Printed |
International scientific and practical conference CUTTING EDGE-SCIENCE 2022 Shawnee, USA ISBN:978-1-64945-234-4 DOI: 10.5218/zendo.6417319 76-79 b. |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J. |
344 |
Infrared spectroscopy and its applications |
Printed |
Ekonomiciot segurisining innovatsion taktamisida beitreskommunikatsiya teknologisining zassimivi. Respublika ilmiyy-tekhnik anjumani Toshkent, March 10-11, 2022 - year. 199-202 b. |
4 |
Makhmudjonov M.M., Kurbonov F.Kh. |
345 |
Technical regulation is one of the priority directions for increasing the competitiveness of domestic production |
Printed |
"Metrologik ta'minot" Respublika ilmiki-amaliy anjumani. Buxoro. May 20-21, 2022. 15-18 b. |
4 |
Kadyrova Sh.A. Makhmudjonov M.M., Kosymova S.H. |
346 |
Analysis of the concepts of "reproduction unit" and "transmission size unit" physical value |
Printed |
"Metrologik ta'minot" Respublika ilmiki-amaliy anjumani. Buxoro. May 20-21, 2022. 182-186 b. |
5 |
Saidoripo L.F., Kilichev M.M. |
347 |
The role of the quality management system in the field of education |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 104-105 b. |
2 |
M. Toshtemirov |
348 |
It is necessary to arrange products from a technical point of view |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 69-71 b. |
3 |
Boboev G.G., Husano N.M. |
349 |
Experience of technical regulation in the countries of the European Union |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 67-68 b. |
2 |
Kodirova Sh.A., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
350 |
Qualimetric analysis of characteristics of satellite navigation systems |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 400-406 b. |
7 |
Zhumamuratov B.A. Imbergenova N.P. |
351 |
Control parameters of oil quality |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 398-400 b. |
3 |
Nasimkhonov L.N., Khusaidinova D.I. |
352 |
Practical development of moisture converters based on composite material |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 320-323 b. |
3 |
Murodova S.F. |
353 |
Analytical methods for measuring the viscosity of liquids |
Printed |
"Technik jixatdan regulation, metrology and standardization of production and its functions" Farg'ona. 20-21 of 2022. 89-91 b. |
2 |
Muminov H.D. |
354 |
Technical regulation law, its advantages and principles |
Printed |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh.A. |
355 |
International experience in certification of aviation electrotechnical products |
Printed |
4 |
Turaev Sh.A., Azimov Sh. |
356 |
Design and practical application of thermal humidity converters for liquid materials |
Printed |
9 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I., Kodirova Sh.A. |
357 |
Mathematical modeling of a heat exchanger with a cylindrical heat pipe and a concentrated heat source |
Printed |
9 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
358 |
Certification of aviation products and equipment |
Printed |
9 |
D. Galayko, Zaripov O.O. Azimov Sh.Sh. |
359 |
Static characteristics of thermal converters of moisture content of liquid materials |
Printed |
7 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Avezova N.I |
360 |
Development of vibration viscometer for industrial purpose and experience of its practical |
Printed |
Scopus. E3S Web of Conferences 365, 05012 (2023) CONMECHYDRO – 2022. Art. 1-8.
8 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shomurotov J. |
361 |
The role of metrological supply in enterprises |
Printed |
Scopus. Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 030042 (2022); Published Online: 16 June 2022
5 |
Boboev G.G., Makhmudjonov M.M., Shokirov D.U. |
362 |
Method for optimizing the maintenance of medical equipment |
Printed |
Scopus. IEEE COPYRIGHT AND CONSENT FORM 2022 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). 2022
5 |
Magrupova M.T. |
363 |
Printed |
"Actual problems of modern science, education and training" June, 2022-2. |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
364 |
Analysis of structure, advantages and working process of modern SV-10 VA SV-100 Vibro viscosity measuring instruments for liquid viscosity determination |
Printed |
"Milliy standart" scientific and technical magazine, June 2, 2022 |
5 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
365 |
Technical regulation as a means of implementing innovations in the enterprise |
Printed |
"State and trends of development of standardization and technical regulation in the world" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. October 13-14, 2022. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. |
4 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
366 |
Quality improvement systems used in crude oil refineries |
Printed |
"State and trends of development of standardization and technical regulation in the world" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. October 13-14, 2022. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. |
3 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
367 |
Electronic |
YOUNG SCIENCE — SCIENCE FOR THE FUTURE: collection of articles of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference (February 2, 2023). – B in 2 parts. - Part 2. - Petrozavodsk: MCNP "New Science", 2023. - 317 p.: il. - Collective authors. |
7 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
368 |
Processes in preparing engineers in Oliy ta'lim institutions |
Printed |
Scientific and technical journal "Milliy standart" 2023 / 1-SON |
2 |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh |
369 |
Boma |
Study guide. Tashkent TashGTU 2008 |
160 |
Yusupbekov N.R., Gulyamov Sh.M. Rakhmonov A.O. |
370 |
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Preprint, Tashkent, 2010.- c.72. |
72 |
Kalandarov P.I. Maksudova Sh.A. |
371 |
Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Preprint, Tashkent, 2010.- c.72. |
68 |
Muhamedkhanov U.T., Doshanova M. Yu., Rakhmonberdieva G.T. |
372 |
Methodical instructions, Tashkent-2010. |
56 |
D. P. Muhitdinov, C.Muhamedaliyev, N.U. Gulyamova, I.R. Zaidulin. |
373 |
Laboratory practice, TashGTU, Tashkent, 2010., 79p |
79 |
F.T. Adilov, P.M. Matyakubova, UT Mukhamedkhanov, A.N. Yusupbekov, B.M. Temerbekova. |
374 |
Methodical instructions, Tashkent - 2011, 188 p |
188 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Mukhammedkhanov U.T |
375 |
Расчет и проектирование ЕмКостных измерительных преобразователей Влажности материалов, вехшеств и изделий. |
Methodical manual, Tashkent-2012, 56 p |
56 |
Kalandarov P.I. |
376 |
Methodical instructions, Tashkent - 2012, 188 p |
188 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Ehamberdiyev B.E.
377 |
Methodical guide to performing laboratory workTashGTU, Tashkent, 2012., 44p |
44 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Ehamberdiyev B.E. Boboev G |
378 |
Methodical guide for practical exercisesTashGTU, Tashkent, 2012., 36 p |
36 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Ehamberdiyev B.E. Boboev G |
379 |
Methodical instructions for course work TashGTU, Tashkent, 2012., 17p |
17 |
Ismatullaev P.R.
380 |
Methodical guideto perform laboratory work. –Tashkent: TashGTU, 2013. -51 p. |
51 |
P.R. Ismatullaev, A.K. Miralieva, Ch. Bekmurodov, Sh.M. Masharipov. |
381 |
Methodical guide to performing laboratory workTashGTU, Tashkent, 2013., 28p |
28 |
Kalandarov P.I. Masharipov Sh.M. |
382 |
Textbook. - Tashkent: "Sano-standart", 2014. -335 p. Contest Winner (2015) |
335 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Turaev Sh.A. |
383 |
Textbook. - Tashkent: "Lesson Press", 2015. - 424 p. |
424 |
Ismatullaev P.R. Turaev Sh.A |
384 |
Study guide.- Tashkent: TDTU,2016. -258 p. |
258 |
385 |
Study guide.- Tashkent: , 2017.2017. - 156 b. Fan and Technology, 2017. - 156 b. : picture, table - Bibliogr.: b. 143-146 100 copies
Ismatullaev P.R. Turaev Sh.A |
386 |
Monograph. Publishing house "Fan va technology" 2019 |
188 |
Turaev Sh.A. |
387 |
Monograph. Publishing house "Fan va technology" 2019 |
132 |
Arnold Ostroverkhov D., Sh. Turaev, Kh. I. Avezova. |
388 |
Textbook. Company of "DM NASHR SERVIS" LLC. 2019 |
333 p |
Ismatullaev P.R. Gaziev G.A. Turaev Sh.A |
389 |
Monograph. "Fan va technologies nashiryot-matbaa uyi", 2020. |
396 p |
Kuluev R.R. |
390 |
Study guide. "Fan va technologies nashiryot-matbaa uyi", 2020. |
176 p |
Turgunboev A., Usmonova H.A., Sheena NE |
391 |
Monograph. "Innovative development of publishing house". 2020 p. 92 ISBN 978-9943-6492-1-7. |
92 p |
Sattorov D.N., Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh.A., Avezova H.I. |
392 |
Monograph. The monograph was reviewed and recommended for publication by the Scientific Council of the Tashkent Institute of Agricultural Irrigation and Mechanization Engineers on September 24, 2020. Protocol #2. Protocol No. 4 of November 24, 2020 |
Kalandarov P.I., Gazieva R.T. |
393 |
Monograph. T: "Fan va technologies nashriyot-matbaa uyi" 2020. ISBN 978-9943-6284-7-2 |
92 p |
Arnold Sch. Ostroverkhov D., Abdujabborov N.A. Avazov G.I. |
394 |
Monograph. "Fan va technologies nashiryot-matbaa uyi", 2021. |
131 p |
Kuluev R.R. Boryusyuk P. |
395 |
Textbook. 2021. The Oliy va o'rta special education ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2021 year “25” December dagi “538” -sonli komiks'iga zasutsana. Nashr Ruxsatnomasi. 2021 y. |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh.A. |
396 |
Textbook. Tashkent State University, 2021 Tashkent "Science Development" 2021 IBSN 978-9943-6236-5-7 |
328 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Tavgeni I.A., Kuluev R.R., Tsitovich B.V. |
397 |
Methodical guidek laboratory studies. Tashkent TashGTU, 2021. 71 p. |
71 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Ergashev F.A. Sheena NE |
398 |
Monograph. "Fan va technologies nashiryot-matbaa uyi", 2021. ISBN 978-9943-7438-9-2 |
192 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Masharipov Sh.M. |
399 |
in publication |
Study guide. Uzbekiston Republic Oliy va o'rta azke ta'lim minirinining 2021 yil “31” May dagi “237 ”-sonli kızım'iga sındağın. Nashr Ruxsatnomasi. 2021 y. |
Turgunboev A., Usmanova H.A., Sheena NE |
400 |
Study guide. 2022. 208 bet. ISBN: 978-9943-8392-9-8 UO'K:006.83 (075.8) Tashkent State Technical University, 2022/ "Fan va teknolonik nashriyot-matbaa uyi", 2022. 132 bet |
208 p |
Boboev G.G. |
401 |
Study guide. ISBN 978-9943-7975-7-4 "Fan va teknolonik nashriyot-matbaa uyi", 2022. 132 bet |
132 p. |
Eshmurodov D.E., Boboev G.G. |
402 |
Study guide. According to the "538"-sonli order of the Ministry of Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "25" December 2021. Nashr Ruxsatnomasi. 2021 y. |
Ismatullaev P.R., Miralieva A.K. |
403 |
Study guide. ISBN 978-9943-7975-8-1 "Fan va tekhnologia nashriyot-matbaa uyi", 2022. |
204 p. |
Sh.M. Masharipov, Zhabborov H.Sh. |
404 |
Monograph. Publisher: GlobeEdit Dodo books Indian ocean Ltd. Republic of Moldova Europe 2022. ISBN: 978-3-330-80670-2 2022. |
109 p. |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J. |
405 |
Monograph. Lambert Academic Publishing 2022. |
269 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
406 |
Monograph. Lambert Academic Publishing 2022. |
606 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
407 |
Monograph. Lambert Academic Publishing 2022. |
436 p |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
408 |
Textbook. 2022. ISBN: 978-9943-7976-8-0 "Fan va tekhnologia nashriyot-matbaa uyi", 2022. |
220 p. |
Ismatullaev P.R., Turaev Sh.A. |
409 |
Methodical guide. Protocol No. 1 29.09.2022 TashGTU. 2022 |
50 s. |
Rakhmanov A.T., Sheina N.E. |
410 |
Methodical guide for performing laboratory work. TashGTU. TASHKENT 2022.
112 s. |
Sheena NE |
411 |
Textbook. ISBN 978-9943-8584-8-0 "Fan va tekhnologia nashriyot-matbaa uyi", 2022/ |
128 p. |
Galaiko DI, Zaripov OO, Azimov Sh. |
412 |
MONOGRAPH. MINISTRIES OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. Dodo books Indian ocean Ltd. Republic of Moldova, Europe. ISBN 978-620-5-50895-4 2022 y. |
145 p. |
413 |
Educational and methodological manual. T.: "Science and dissemination" 2023. 176 st TashGTU 2023. |
176 p. |
B.V. Tsitovich, I.A. Tavgen, R.R. Kuluev |
414 |
Electron |
Monograph. Globe Edit India 2023. ISBN 978-620-0-64588-3. |
81 p |
Saidoripov L |
415 |
Electron |
Monograph. Globe Edit India 2023. ISNB 978-620-0-64598-0 |
85 p |
Sattorov D. |
416 |
Electron |
Monograph. Globe Edit India 2023. ISBN 978-620-0-64590-6 |
77 p |
Boboyev G'.G'., Abduqodirov J. |
Patents for inventions, utility models, applications, etc |
417 |
Software for detecting gross errors in measurement results |
available |
No. DGU 05083 2018. |
Sh.M. Masharipov, Avezova N.I. Bekmurotov C.A. |
418 |
Software application of intellectual means of control and assessment of effectiveness of quality management |
available |
No. DGU 2019 1430. 07.11.2019 |
11 |
419 |
Software support of dielcometric moisture meter in soil storage and processing |
available |
No. DGU 06312 2019 |
Kuluev R.R. |
420 |
Certificate of official registration of computer program "Software of dielcometric and moisture meter in the process of grain storage and processing" |
available |
No. DGU 06313 2019 Intellectual Property Agency RUz. Tashkent 03.05.2019 |
Kuluev R.R. |
421 |
"Technology of processing agricultural products" Practical project. |
Grant |
OT-Atech-2018-363 practical project. From January 3, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Copy from ToshDTU No. 03/9-187. |
422 |
"Technology of processing agricultural products" Practical project. |
Grant |
OT-Atech-2018-363 practical project. From January 3, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Copy from the order of ToshDTU No. 03/9-44. |
423 |
SPACECO: New study program in space systems and communications engineering 609715-EPP-1-2019-1-UZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP |
International Grant |
With the support of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union |
424 |
Software dielectric moisture meter in the process of storage and processing of grain |
The 4th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN-Taranto 2019. |
Matyakova Paraxat Mayliyevna |
425 |
Capacitive moisture meter for oil, petroleum products and radioactive materials. Capacitive moisture meter of oil, oil products and volatile materials |
A patent for an invention |
Official bulletin of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2019. IAP 2019 0239 G01N 27/22 28.05.2019 |
Oljaev E. Avezova N.I. Ismatullaev P.R. Narzullaev Sh.N. Kodirov B.R. |
426 |
A device for controlling the moisture content of liquid materials If moisture control of liquid materials is not installed |
A patent for an invention |
No. IAP 06479 IAP 20190022 G01N25/56 18.01/2019 The invention was granted a patent |
Ismatullaev P.R. Avezova N.I. Usmanova H.A. Turgunboev A.
427 |
Moisture meter for bulk materials Moisture meter for porous materials |
A patent for an invention |
IAP 2019 0023 G01N 21/17 18.01.2019 |
Boboev G. Avezova N.I.
428 |
Device for measuring reflection coefficient and phase shift of acoustic signals |
available |
IAP 2019 0357 |
Khakimov O.Sh. Serenkov P.S. Muminov N.Sh. |
429 |
Development of software for measurement of physical and chemical parameters |
available |
DGU 2020 2149 |
Sh. Masharipov |
430 |
"Software support of a device for rapid measurement of moisture content of radioactive materials". "Software of the device for the express method of measurement of humidity of loose materials" |
available |
No. DGU 09430. DGU 2020 1827. 20.10.2020
Ulzhaev E., Matyakubova P.M., Narzullaev Sh.N., Kuluev R.R. |
431 |
Thermal moisture meter of insulating materials
Thermal moisture meter of bulk materials |
available |
NoIAP 06143 Patent of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. IAP 2015 0481 23.01.2020 |
Asimov R.K., Matyakubova P.M., Abdurakhmonov A.A. Boboev G.G., Usmonova H.A., Turgunboev A., Nazarboeva B.A. Zhabborov H.Sh. Masharipo Sh.M. |
432 |
Application and effectiveness evaluation software of intelligent control tools in quality management system
Software application of intellectual means of control and evaluation of efficiency in quality management |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 07522 Talabnoma number: DGU 2019 1430 07.11.2019 20.01.2020 |
Dilshod Nematovich Sattarov. Avezova H.I. |
433 |
Creation of the software of the information-measurement system for monitoring the physico-chemical parameters of groundwater.
Development of software for monitoring and measurement of physical and chemical parameters of groundwater |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 09666 Talabnoma number: DGU 2020 2149 07.11.2019 07.12.2020 |
Masharipov Sh.M., Ruzmetov K.R. |
434 |
Software in the Windows operating system for measuring the amount of toxic gases in the air |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. DGU #13104 DGU 20213154 50927. 20/10/2021 |
Makhmudjonov M.M. |
435 |
A device for controlling the humidity of various materials |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. IAP 2021 0521. IAP 20035 03.11.2021 |
436 |
A device for measuring the humidity of loose materials |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. IAP 2021 0522. IAP 56932 03.11.2021 |
437 |
Processing and editing of the results obtained using the IR-Spectroscopy measurement method |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 14047 Talabnoma number: DGU 2021 4139 13.12.2021 |
Makhmudjonov M.M., Rajabboev F.F. |
438 |
Software for a small-scale grain dryer for farm and grain drying research |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 14068 Talabnoma number: DGU 2021 4140 13.12.2021 |
Makhmudjonov M.M., Boboev G.G., Saifullaeva D.D., Kodirova Sh.A. |
439 |
Performance monitoring in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 15046 Talabnoma number: DGU 2022 0692 18.02.2022 |
Sattarov Dilshod Nematovich. |
440 |
Formation of a base for receiving dynamic data of atmospheric air pollution through sensors in the processes of the ecological environment management system |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 15048 Talabnoma number: DGU 2022 0691 18.02.2022 |
Ruzmatov K.R., Makhmudjonov M.M., Masharipov Sh.M. |
441 |
Control and manage product availability |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 15315 Talabnoma number: DGU 2022 1063 10.03.2022 |
Sh.M. Masharipov, Mavlonov M.A., Makhmudjonov M.M. |
442 |
Algorithm for determining the laws of activity dynamics for updating the reference base in technological innovations |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. DGU 15316 Talabnoma number: DGU 2022 1062 10.03.2022 |
Avezova N.I. Makhmudjonov M.M., Zhumamuratov B.A. |
443 |
Sig'imli naм o'lchagichi
Capacitive moisture meter of oil, oil products and loose materials
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. No. IAP 06796 Talabnoma Number:IAP 2019 0239. 28.05.2019 It was registered in Tashkent on 28.02.2022. |
Oljaev E., Avezova N.I. Ismatullaev P.R., Usmanova H.A., Turgunboev A., Sh.N. Narzullaev, Kodirov B.R. |
444 |
Algorithm for determining the viscosity of liquids through a capillary tube (software for EHM and MB) |
available |
Database of the Republic of Uzbekistan 09.06.2022 y. roʻzītān oʻtārānā. #BGU 00641 |
Shamuratov J.U. |
445 |
Algorithm for determining the viscosity of liquids by Stokes method (software for computer and computer) |
available |
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Dasturiy products state reyestrida 27.07.2022 y. roʻzītān oʻtārānā. #DGU 17916 |
Shamuratov J.U. |
446 |
Algorithm for determining the viscosity of liquids by rotary method (software for PC and MB) |
available |
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Dasturiy products state reyestrida 26.08.2022 y. roʻzītān oʻtārānā. #DGU 18247 |
Shamuratov J.U. |
447 |
Absorbent and liquid materials sig'imli namlji o'lchagichi
Compact hygrometer of volatile and liquid materials |
available |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ne lAP 06856 Talabnoma received on: 18.06,2019 Application Number: Application Number: lAP 2019 0267 The State Register of Uzbekistan was registered on March 24, 2022 in Tashkent. |
Kuluev R. R Usmanova H.A. Turgunbaev A. |
448 |
Calculate the hardness of substances based on Weckers |
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Dasturiy products state reyestrida 02.03.2023 y. roʻzītsīn oʻtārānā. #DGU 22721 |
Saidoripov L.F.; Muminov H.D. |
449 |
Photocolorimetric analyzer model |
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Dasturiy products state reyestrida 02.03.2023 y. roʻzītān oʻtārānā. #DGU 22720 |
Boboev G.G., Kuluev R.R. |
450 |
Application of ARX mathematical model to control humidity, temperature and heating cycle in greenhouses |
available |
OZBEKISTAN REPUBLIKASI ADLIYA VAZIRLIGI No. DGU 23512 Talabnoma date of receipt: 04.02.2023 Talabnoma number: DGU 2023 0770 Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Dasturiy products state reyestrida 19.03.2023 y. roʻzītān oʻtārānā. |
O'raqov Eldor Erkin o'g'li; O'raqov Sardor Erkin o'g'li; Rashidov Temur Erkin o'g'li |
451 |
Shafof oscillating viscometer for determining the viscosity of liquids |
Patent. Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan The application was submitted on 17.02.2023. Currently under official examination. |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
452 |
Kamerton-type oscillating viscometer to determine the viscosity of liquids |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan Patent. The application was submitted on 17.02.2023. Currently under official examination |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |
453 |
A device for determining the viscosity of liquids in small diameter pipes |
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan Patent. The application was submitted on 17.02.2023. Currently under official examination |
Ismatullaev P.R., Shamuratov J.U. |