
Department of Metrology, Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification

Department of Metrology, Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification


Head of Department Matyakubova Paragat Mailyevna TA Prof. Dr. M.K.

Phone: +998 71 246-62-11

Email: p.matyakubova@tdtu.uz


History of the department: Before gaining independence in the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially in Central Asia, engineers and technicians were not trained in "Metrology, Standardization and Certification". Engineers and technicians in these fields were trained at the universities of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Novosibirsk, mainly the central cities of the former Soviet Union. In Uzbekistan, there was only the Eastern branch of the All-union Institute for advanced studies, which trained engineers and technicians. This has created additional difficulties in training highly qualified national personnel in the field of metrology, standardization and certification. Since independence, much attention has been paid to the development of metrology, standardization and certification in our country. National systems of standardization, metrology and uniformity of measurements and product certification were created in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the past. The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On organization of standardization in the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Law "On Standardization", "On Metrology", "On certification of products and services", adopted by the “Oliy Majlis” were extremely important. At the same time much more attention was paid to the training of engineers in these disciplines. The department "Metrology, technical regulation, standardization and certification" was founded in 1992 at the faculty under the name "Metrology and measuring technologies" by order of the rector of Tashkent State Technical University (number 361). In September, 2005 the department was renamed into "Metrology, standardization and certification”. In January 2021 in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and Tashkent State Technical University it was renamed to "Metrology, technical regulation, standardization and certification". The department was opened on the initiative of Honored inventor of the republic, doctor of technical sciences, professor Ismatullaev Patkhulla Rahmatovich. Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Abdurahim Azamovich Azamov, doctor of technical sciences, professor Rahmat Karimovich Azimov contributed to its organization and development. Currently, the department is a part of the Faculty of Electronics and Automation, where in addition to teaching and education the work on scientific directions is carried out. Entering into force of the laws "About metrology", "About standardization", "About certification of production and services" signed by the first President of Republic Uzbekistan Islam Karimov on December, 28th, 1993, has even more raised responsibility of department on preparation of qualified experts, which led them to transition to new style of work, completely realizing this responsibility. Since the opening of the department in 1992-2006, the department has been in charge of training qualified specialists. Associate Professor Azamov A.A., in 2006-2009 - Prof. A.Azamov, in 2006-2009 - Prof. A.Azamov. Prof. P.R. Ismatullayev, in 2009-2010, Associate Professor A.Azamov, in 2010-2011, Prof. P.R. Ismatullayev. Azamov A.A., in 2010-2011 Associate Professor Turgunbaev A.A. - Associate Professor A.A. Turgunbaev, in 2011-2013 years. - D. in Economics, Prof. Egamberdiev B.E. in 2013. - Associate Professor and under the chairmanship of S.S. Nasriddinov. Since 18.02.2013 up to the current time, Prof. P.M. Matyakubova is in charge. Till 2011 the bachelors on 5521600 - "Metrology, standardization and certification (on branches)" and 5524300 - "Production quality management (on kinds of production)" and masters on 5A521602 - "Metrology, standardization and quality management" were trained in the department. In 2005 the department had 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 7 senior lecturers and 7 assistants. From 1992 to 2021 more than 1600 specialists were trained in the system of Agency "Uzstandart", its regional branches, Institute of Standards (former GMSITI) and cooperation agreements contributed with 15 companies. They work in higher education institutions, vocational colleges and lyceums. Prior to the introduction of the "National Curriculum" the chair began to train engineers in metrology, standardization and certification, Bachelors in 1997 and Masters in 2000. The chair was first established in 1906 for training engineers. A total of 44 engineers were trained within 1996-1999 years.  From 1997 to 2011 the bachelors with the code 5521600 - "Metrology, Standardization and Certification" and masters with the code 5A521602 - "Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management" were qualified in two stages. In 2006, the bachelor's degree program with code 5524300 - 'Product Quality Management' was completed.

Since 2011-2012 academic year, on the basis of improved state educational standards the Bachelor's degree in direction 5310900 - "Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management" and Master's degree in direction 5A310902 - Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management have been introduced.

During 1996 and 1999 years, 44 engineers, more than 1 200 bachelors and more than 250 masters have been trained. Since its inception, the Department of Metrology, Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification has been designated by the Ministry as the main department in its fields.

During the presidency of Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, the department of "Metrology, technical regulation, standardization and certification" was reorganized into the department of technical regulation, standardization, certification by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education No. 14 dated January 5, 2021.And in order to provide performance of the tasks put on meeting on development of national metrology system on September 28, 2020, and improvement of system of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology training the Department of Metrology, Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification was established as a model.

The scientists of the department have developed the State Educational Standard for Bachelor's and Master's degree training. Advanced State Educational Standards (Qualification requirements) developed by the Department for the current academic year: 5310900 - Bachelor's degree "Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management" and 5A310902 - "Metrology, Standardization and Quality Management" for Master's degree and implemented in the educational process.

In order to improve the quality of training, branches of the Department at the Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Uzstandart" and "Institute of Standards" have been established, where the relevant disciplines of the Department are used in practice and in the laboratory environment. At the same time, close ties have been established with the chairs and laboratories, regional branches and centres of the Agency "Uzstandart" and research units of the Research Institute of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification under the Agency. "Uzstandart".

In addition, professors and lecturers of the department participated in prestigious international competitions and conferences and achieve high results. Examples include silver in 2018, gold in 2019, 1 silver, 1 gold medal at the KIWIE competition in the Republic of Korea and the Grand Prize winner at the ICAN 2019 ICAN 2019 in Toronto of the International Society for Innovation and Advanced Skills (TISIAS), This is evidenced by the fact that the International Kaohsiung Conference Centre (ICCK) in Taiwan won gold medals at the 2020 competition.

The department cooperates with leading universities in Germany, Canada, Belgium, Korea, Russia and Belarus. These include Bachelor's 2 + 2 training in cooperation with the National Technical University of Belarus, Master's 1 + 1 training in cooperation with the National Nuclear Research University MEPhI of the Russian Federation.

Professors and lecturers of the department have started work on the Erasmus+ project and are working on the project "609715-EPP-1-2019-1-UZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPACECO: New Space Systems and Space Systems Education Program".

At present there are 5 professors, 9 associate professors, 12 lecturers and 4 assistants at the department. From 2018 up to 2020, 1 PhD and 5 PhDs of sciences defended their dissertations.

29 types of laboratory equipment for teaching and research have been delivered to the department using World Bank funds for the commercialization of science. This laboratory equipment is used by the teachers of the relevant natural sciences in laboratory classes as well as by researchers conducting research in the department.

Professors and lecturers of the department pay great attention to the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, methodological guidelines for scientific and methodological work in order to organize the educational process at a high level. In particular, textbooks "Metrology, Standardization and Certification", "Quality Management System and its Certification" and "Fundamentals of Standardization", "Law of Technical Regulation and its Role in Quality Management", "Metrology, Standardization and Certification", "Fundamentals" of Quality Management System, "Fundamentals of metrology", "Electric and radio measurements", "Fundamentals of physical measurements", "Product quality and quality management", "Design of measurement instruments", "Document examination" Textbooks "Verification and calibration of measurement instruments" and about 30 guides have been prepared and published.

Education Department:

Bachelor's degree: 5310900 - Metrology, Standardisation and Quality Management (Industry).

Master's degree: 5A310902 - Metrology, Standardisation and Quality Management (Industry).

Professors and lecturers in the department:

Matyakubova P.M. - t.f.d. professor

Ismatullayev P.R. - t.f.d. professor

R.K. Azimov - t.f.d. professor

Egamberdiev B.E. - Professor

Rakhmonov A.T. - T.F.D. Professor

Kodirova Sh.A. - Associate Professor

Turgunboev A. - t.ph.s. associate professor

Eshmurodov D.E. - Associate Professor

Masharipov Sh.M. - Candidate of Sciences. associate Professor

H.A. Usmonova - Candidate of Science.

Ergashev F.A. - Candidate of Science.

Boboev G.G. - Candidate of Science.

Jabborov H. Sh. - Candidate of Science.

Magrupova M.T. - Associate Professor

Miralieva A.K. - Senior Lecturer

Rashidov A.A. - Senior Lecturer

Nazarbayeva B.N. - Senior Lecturer

Sultanuva Y.A. - Senior Lecturer

Kenjaeva Z.S. - Senior Lecturer

Sheina N.Y. - Senior Lecturer

Bekmurodov Ch.A. - Senior Lecturer

Fattoghov F.F. - Senior Lecturer

Rakhmatullaev S.A. - Senior Lecturer

Kuluev R.R. - Senior Lecturer

Avezova N.I. - Senior Lecturer

Makhmudjonov M.M. - Assistant

Umarova N.S. - Assistant

Eshnazarova Z.H. - Assistant

Mirpaizieva G.M. - Assistant



  1. Рахманов А.Т. Зондовие параметрические преобразователи информатсии: Монография, Изд. «Узбекистан».-2010.-160 с.
  1. ЭгамбЭердиев Б.ЭЭ., Рашидов А.А.. НаноструктурниЭе полупроводниковиЭе тЭерморЭезисторниЭе датчики. Монография. -ТашкЭент. 2013 г. – 160 с.
  2. Исматуллаев П.Р.,Усманова Х.А., Тургъунбаев А. Влагометрия хлопка и хлопкових материалов (монография).«Фан ва технология», Ташкент-2017, 288 с.
  3. Матякубова П.М., Тураев Ш.А. Метрологическое обеспечение информатсионно-измерителних средств. Монография. Издателство “Фан ва технология” 2019.
  4. Матякубова П.М., Арнолд.Ш., Островерхов Д., Тураев Ш.А., Авезова Х.И. Система менеджмента качества в учреждениях висшего образования. Монография. Издателство “Фан ва технология” 2019.
  5. Матякубова П.М., Сатторов Д.Н., Исматуллаев П.Р., Тоʼраев Ш.А., Авезова Х.И. Развитие системи менеджмента качества в условиях сифровизатсии экономики. Монография. “Инноватсион ривожлантириш наширёт-матбаа уйи”. 2020й 92 стр. ИСБН 978-9943-6492-1-7.
  1. Матякубова П.М., Кулиев Р.Р. Стандартизатсия норм точности. Монография. “Фан ва технологиялар наширёт-матбаа уйи”, 2020й.
  2. Матякубова П.М., Каландаров П.И., Газиева Р.Т. Сушка и контрол влажности зерна и зернистих материалов. Монография. Монография рассмотрена и рекомендована к печати Научном Совете Ташкентского института инженеров ирригатсии и механизатсии селского хозяйства от 24 сентября 2020 года. Протокол №2. Протокол № 4 от 24 ноября 2020 года.
  3. Матякубова П.М., Арнолд Ш., Островерхов Д., Абдужабборов Н.А., Авазов Г.И. Техническое регулирование, обеспечение качества и безопасности продуктсии. Монография. Т: "Фан ва технологиялар нашриёт-матбаа уйи" 2020. ИСБН 978-9943-6284-7-2.



  • Ismatullayev P.R. va boshqalar «Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish». Darslik, Toshkent, Uzbekiston. 2001 y.
  • Ismatullayev P.R. va Qodirova Sh.A.  Metrologiya asoslari. Toshkent 2013y.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Matyakubova P.M., Axmedov B.M., Xamraqulov G‘.X., To‘rayev Sh.A. Sifat menejmenti tizimi va uni sertifikatlashtirish. Darslik. “Sano-Standart”, Toshkent. 2014. – 330 b. Ushbu darslik “2015-yilning eng yaxshi darsligi” ko‘rik tanlovida 2 o‘rin olgan.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Matyakubova P.M., Turayev Sh.A. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish. Darslik. “Lesson-Press”, Toshkent. 2015. -423 b.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Matyakubova P.M., Turayev Sh.A.  Standartlashtirish va teхnik jihatdan tartibga solish Tashkent 2017. -179 b.
  • Matyakubova P.M., Ismatullayev P.R., Gaziyev G.А., Turayev Sh.А. Stаndаrtlаshtirish аsoslаri. Darslik. “DM NASHR SERVIS” MChJ bosmaxonasi. 2019 y.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Qodirova Sh.А., Jabborov X.Sh. “Metrologiya asoslari” darslik. “Asian work houser” 2020 y.


Training manuals:

  • Qodirova Sh.A. «Elektroradio o‘lchashlar» Maruzalar matni TDTU., 1999 y.
  • Перегудов Л.В., Саидов М.Х., Файзиев Р.Р., Исматуллаев Ф.Р., Абидов О.С. Управление качеством и конкурентоспособностю продуксии. Ташкент, 2001.
  • Ахмедов Б.М. Разработка документасии систем менеджмента качества по ИСО 9001:2000. Ўқув курси. -Т.: «Ўзстандарт» агентлиги Республика синов ва сертификатлаштириш маркази, 2004. – 74б.
  • Qodirova Sh.A., Azamov A.A. va boshqalar “Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va  sertifikatlashtirish faniga oid laboratoriya ishlari va amaliy mashg‘ulotlari bo‘yicha uslubiy qo‘llanma” Toshkent TDTU, 2007 y.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Djumaboyev A.B. “Standartlashtirish” o‘quv qo‘llanma. ToshDTU, 2007. – 151 b.
  • Axmedov B.M., Ismatullayev P.R., Turayev Sh.A. Sertifikatlashtirish va sifatni boshqarish asoslari: 5521600 – “Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish” va 5524300 – “Mahsulot sifati menejmenti (mahsulot turlari bo‘yicha)” yo‘nalishlari bakalavriat talabalari uchun o‘quv qo‘llanma. O‘zR OO‘MTV; TDTU. – Toshkent, 2007. -233 B.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Qodirova Sh.A., G‘oziyev G‘.A. “Elektr­o‘lchash asboblarini ta`mirlash va rostlash”. 1-qismi. “Elektr­o‘lchashlar va o‘lchash asboblari”. Kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun o‘quv qo‘llanma. Sharq nashriyoti, Toshkent, 2007. 6,2 b.t.
  • Исматуллаев П.Р, Кадирова Ш.А., Газиев Г.А. Электро­радио измерения, Учебное пособие. ТГТУ, 2007. 13,75 п.л.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Abdullayev A.X. va boshq. Fizikaviy-kimyoviy o‘lchashlar. O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent, 2007. -180 b.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Azamov A.A. va boshq. Issiqlik texnikasida o‘lchashlar. O‘quv qo‘llanma, Toshkent, 2007. -90 b.
  • Исматуллаев П.Р., Ахмедов Б.М. и др. Основи системи менеджмента качества: Учебное пособие. Ташкент, 2009. – 208 с.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Kodirova Sh.A. Metrologiya asoslari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent, “Tafakkur” nashriyoti 2012. -304 bet.
  • Исматуллаев П.Р., П.М.Матякубова., Эгамбердиев Б.Э., Х.Махмудов, Г.Г.Бобоев. Поверка и калибровка средств измерений: Методическое пособие для практических занятий. Ташкент 2012, ТашГТУ.
  • Исматуллаев П.Р., П.М.Матякубова., Эгамбердиев Б.Э.,  Х.Махмудов, Г.Г.Бобоев. Поверка и калибровка средств измерений: Методическое пособие к виполнению лабораторних работ. Ташкент 2012, ТашГТУ.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., P.M.Matyakubova G‘.G‘.Boboyev. “O‘lchash vositalarini qiyoslash va kalibrlash” fanidan kurs ishini bajarish bo‘yicha metodik ko‘rsatmalar. Toshkent 2012, ToshDTU.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Qodirova Sh.A. “Metrologiya asoslari”, o‘quv qo‘llanma, (kirillda) Tafakkur nashryoti, (lotinda) “Extremum-Press” nashryoti, 2012 y.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Qodirova Sh.A., Umarova N.S. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish fanidan amaliy mashg‘ulotlarni o‘tkazish uchun uslubiy ko‘rsatma. TDTU 2013 y.
  • «Mahsulot sifati nazorati va sinov qurilmalari» fanidan kurs ishini bajarish bo‘yicha uslubiy ko‘rsatmalar.-Toshkent, ToshDTU, 2014 . 20 b.
  • Turayev Sh.A., Boboyev G‘.G‘., Bekmurodov Ch.A.  “Mahsulot sifat nazorati va sinov qurilmalari” fanidan amaliy mashg‘ulotlarni o‘tkazish uchun uslubiy ko‘rsatmalar. -Toshkent: ToshDTU, 2014. 122 b.
  • Qodirova Sh.A., Umarova N.S., Axmedov M.Ya. Elektr o‘lchash usullari va asboblari fanidan laboratoriya ishlari va amaliy mashg‘ulotlarni o‘tkazish uchun uslubiy ko‘rsatma. Toshkent. TDTU. 2014. -96 b.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Turaev Sh.A., Jabborov X.Sh. Sanoat mahsulotlarini sertifikatlashtirish. Kollej talabalari uchun o‘quv qo‘llanma. “Ilm ziyo”, Toshkent. 2015.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., Turayev Sh.A., Jabborov X.Sh. Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va sertifikatlashtirish. Kollej talabalari uchun o‘quv qo‘llanma. “Ilm ziyo”, Toshkent. 2015.
  • Ismatullayev P.R., P.M.Matyakubova, Turayev Sh.A. Standartlashtirish va texnik jixatdan tartibga solish tizimlarining sifatni boshqarishdagi oʼrni. Oʼquv qoʼllanma. –Toshkent: , 2017.
  • P.M.Matyakubova, Turg'unboev А., Usmonova X.А., Sheina N.E. Poverka i kalibrovka sredstv izmereniy. Oʼquv qoʼllanma. “Fan va texnologiyalar nashiryot-matbaa uyi”, 2020y.
  • Nazarbayeva B.А. “Oʼlchash asboblarini konstruktsiyalash” oʼquv qoʼllanma. Tafakkur. 2020. 390 bet.
  • Магрупова М.Т., Усманова Х.А. Качества продуксии и управления качества. Учебное пособиe. 2020.
  • Egamberdiyev B.E., Rashidov А.А., Raxmatullayev S.А., Fattoyev F.F. “Oʼlchash usullari va vositalari” (fizik-kimyoviy oʼlchashlar) fanidan amaliyot va laboratoriya mashgʼulotlarini oʼtkazish uchun oʼquv qoʼllanma. Oʼzbekiston Milliy universiteti “Universitet” nashiryoti. Toshkent 2020 y.
  • Raxmonov А.T., Miraliyeva А.K. “Metrologiya asoslari (Nazariy metrologiya)” oʼquv uslubiy qoʼllanma. 2020.

Department laboratory rooms asllocated space - 11, 350 m2, direct teaching laboratory space - 4, 210 m2.

Repuplic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University street 2
Mn-St 9:00 - 18:00
Sn 10:00 - 17:00
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