Matyakubova Parakhat Mayliyevna, doctor of technical sciences, professor
✔️ Born in 1960 in the city of Urgench, Khorezm region.
✔️ The scientist graduated from the Tashkent Institute of electrical engineering communications in 1985 in the specialty “automatic electrical communication”. He began his labor career in 1983 as an engineer of the Urban Communications Department of Urgench, Khorezm region. Since 1991 he worked as a senior lecturer and associate professor at Urgench State University, and later as an associate professor, scientific secretary at the Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies. In 2010, he worked as an associate professor of Tashkent State Technical University, since 2012 as a professor of this educational institution, from 2013 to the present time as head of the Department.
✔️ Parakhat Matyakubova during her labor activity prepared a large number of students in the fields of Metrology, standardization and product quality management, technical regulation, together with which she achieved scientific success. It has won prizes in several international competitions. In particular, she regularly participated in exhibitions in the Republic of South Korea “KIWIE – 2018”, “KIWIE – 2019”, “KIWIE – 2021”, “KIWIE – 2022” on behalf of the inventive women of the Republic of Uzbekistan and was a 4-time gold medal and a Grand Prix hostess in 2021. In addition, on the date of the 4th International Invention innovation competition in Toronto, Canada, ICAN 2019 won the gold medal and was recognized as an “expert of the year” in the international inventors Innovation Contest “ICAN 2019-IV, held in Toronto International Society of innovation and Advanced Skills (TISIAS). Under his leadership, a memorandum was concluded with higher educational institutions in Russia, South Korea, Germany, Canada, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, the United States of America, France, Kazakhstan and Turkey. The scientist is also preparing educational and methodological complexes in cooperation with foreign scientists.
✔️ The scientist was awarded the “Order of Friendship” by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019 for his dedication, achievements and hard work for the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2021), outstanding services in the field of science.
✔️ P.M. Matyakubova received the title of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turan in 2022 for her scientific research and fruitful work activities, for promoting and making a worthy contribution to the science of Uzbekistan to the whole world.
✔️ P.Matyakubova is the author of more than 450 scientific and scientific-methodical works on instrumentation, metrology, automation, standardization and certification (9 monographs, 11 textbooks, 9 teaching aids, 27 educational methodological manuals, 10 patents, 88 articles in scientific journals and 115 lecture theses). The scientist led more than 10 state-funded scientific and practical and innovative projects, graduation qualification works of more than 160 undergraduate stage students and more than 50 master's dissertations. Currently, it has been helping 10 doctoral students in research work.