
Republican scientific and practical conference held at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute on April 20, 2024

On April 20, 2024, the Republican scientific and practical conference on “solutions to current problems in the fields of technical regulation, metrology and conformity assessment and issues of creative approach in practice” was held at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute.

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The conference discussed the results of research work carried out by scientists, professors, specialists, researchers, undergraduates and gifted students of Foreign and Republican higher education institutions and research institutes.

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The conference was held on April 20 in the large meeting hall of the 2nd educational building of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute.

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At The Conference, P.M. Matyakubova gave a lecture to the participants on the topic” regulation of the technical nature of the aosocial norm of ensuring the competitiveness of products and services".

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Repuplic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University street 2
Mn-St 9:00 - 18:00
Sn 10:00 - 17:00
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