
On the occasion of March 8 - International Women's Day, a ceremonial event was organized in the Tashkent city administration.

On the occasion of March 8 - International Women's Day, a ceremonial event was organized in the Tashkent city administration.


The chairman of the Family and Women's Committee O. Parpiboyeva, deputy mayor of Tashkent city N. Umarova, members of the "Smart Women" movement, deputy district governors - heads of the Family and Women's Department took part in it. 



At the event, the women who were deemed worthy of the badge of "Mother of Honor" in 2023 and the most enterprising and progressive women of "Aqila Women" were awarded.
Among them, Dr. Parakhat Mayliyevna Matyakubova, head of the "Metrology, technical regulation, standardization and certification" department of the Faculty of "Electronics and Automation" of the Tashkent State Technical University, who is respected for her work, enthusiasm, and dedication. She was awarded with the "Honorable Woman" badge

Repuplic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University street 2
Mn-St 9:00 - 18:00
Sn 10:00 - 17:00
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