
supporting women

Implementation of QMS and technical regulation in inventions and business of women in Uzbekistan (IQMS TR BZWU)


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        The Mini-Academy of Science and Technology (Implementation of the Quality Management System and Technical Regulation - IQMS TR BZWU) is a non-profit organization in Uzbekistan, which aims to create the first generation of Uzbek women scientists who can change the world and reduce the gender gap in science and technology. The model (IQMS TR BZWU) allows women and girls to attend seminars with recognized scientists of Uzbekistan and world-class. The author also intends to open a scientific council called the QMS and technical regulation.
        Since 2016, 1,300 girls and women from different regions of Uzbekistan: Namangan, Bukhara, Kharezm, Zhizzakh, Karakalpakstan, Samarkand, Andijan have been trained in QMS and technical regulation in the field of inventions and business. (IQMS TR BZWU) believes that at least 20,000 (90%) of girls and women will implement their plans for 5 years, the Mini-Academy (IQMS TR BZWU) is a scalable project and can be implemented in other countries around the world and engage in the development of education for girls and women in science and business.
Korea International Women's Invention Exposition
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Repuplic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University street 2
Mn-St 9:00 - 18:00
Sn 10:00 - 17:00
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